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Submissões Recentes

O papel das línguas no processo de internacionalização do ensino superior brasileiro: evidências e implicações a partir de um estudo de caso de uma universidade federal do sudeste
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-18) Taquini, Reninni; Finardi, Kyria Rebeca;; Guimarães, Felipe; Figueiredo, Eduardo; Amorim, Gabriel Brito; Sarmento, Simone
This doctoral dissertation aims to analyze the role of languages in the internationalization process of higher education. To this end, a case study that surveys the countries and languages included in institutional practices and policies (linguistic policy and internationalization policy), as well as in the academic curricula of graduate professors at a Brazilian federal university located in the Southeast region is carried out to inform and contextualize the discussion of the role of languages in this process. The theoretical framework includes the Bourdieusian notion of symbolic capital (Bourdieu, 1985) in dialogue with the global language system (De Swaan, 2001) to explain the distribution of languages situating the discussion of their role in the internationalization process of the university investigated. The method used for analyzing the role of languages in the internationalization process is mixed, with a quantitative approach regarding the analysis of the occurrence of countries, languages, and international output of the institution's graduate faculty, and a qualitative approach regarding the analysis of autoethnographic data produced by the author based on her experience as an undergraduate and graduate student at the investigated university. The research results indicate that language policies and practices within the university shape the process of internationalization of HE, as the choice of certain languages in policies and teachers’ experiences contribute to a more multilingual and plural vision and practice of internationalization in the production and dissemination of knowledge, fostering an ecology of languages and knowledges in the internationalization of higher education.
Não pense em crise, avalie!
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-02) Rocha, Nina Soares; Chaves, Priscila Monteiro ;;;;; Gontijo, Cláudia Maria Mendes ;;; Guimarães, André Rodrigues ;;
This master's dissertation, grounded in historical dialectical materialism, is a documentary research that aims to investigate the political and ideological implications of the large-scale application of external assessments in literacy during the Covid-19 pandemic in the municipality of Viana, Espírito Santo, Brazil. By adopting this perspective, the research seeks to understand how social phenomena, such as the application of assessments, are the result of broader historical and social processes, marked by power relations and inequality. Initially, this work presents the main scientific contributions already produced, establishing the theoretical and political bases of the research. The study analyzed the OECD's guidelines for education during the pandemic and the literacy assessment policies of the state of Espírito Santo. The results show that the urgency to carry out these assessments, even in a context of health and social crisis, was intrinsically linked to the interests of the Brazilian bourgeoisie, which seeks to align education with the demands of the global market. The research concludes that the adoption of the OECD's recommendations by Brazil contributes to the reproduction of social inequalities and to the maintenance of an educational system at the service of capital. By prioritizing large-scale assessment, the country deepens the logic of training a workforce for the market, disregarding the specificities of the pandemic context and the needs of the most vulnerable students
Escolas primárias no Espírito Santo pelas lentes da fotografia (1908-1928) : a historiografia e suas fontes
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-16) Malverdes, Clara Zandomenico; Simões, Regina Helena Silva ;;;;; Berto, Rosianny Campos ;;; Salim, Maria Alayde Alcantara ;;; Barreto, Sonia Maria da Costa ;;; Abdala, Rachel Duarte ;;
This study focuses on the possible uses of photography as a source for writing the History of Education, asking how the analysis of images of elementary school can contribute to understanding and problematizing the processes of schooling in Espírito Santo in the early years of the Republic in Brazil (1908- 1928). It uses photographs of school institutions in Espírito Santo and the people who lived in them as privileged sources, establishing structures and the multiple configurations of the institutions photographed as axes of analysis. The documentary corpus consists of photographs, government reports, legislation and newspaper publications, which are analyzed in a constant cross-referencing. The analysis of the sources, based on the indicative method (Ginzburg, 1989), takes into account the historiographical understanding supported by Bloch (2001) and Ginzburg (2002, 2004, 2007), which prioritizes attention to traces and clues that provide information about the object under investigation. In the process of reading and cross-analyzing the sources, the historiographical practice we designed made it possible for traces, indications and apparently inaccessible or negligible clues to lead our gaze through the labyrinths of the past (Ginzburg, 2007). In this way, the microscopic analysis, the integration of iconographic and commissioning data and the understanding of the power relations involved in the production, storage and use of the sources used in the research were enhanced through the use of the indicative method. We set out to analyze school institutions located in four municipalities in Espírito Santo - Santa Leopoldina, Vitória, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim and São Mateus, seeking to discover and understand, through the lens of photography, elements of the constitution of each school photographed, and established relationships with the different contexts in which they were produced. From the images analyzed, we verified the singularities and multiple configurations of public primary schools in Espírito Santo in operation in the initial decades of the first republic
Projeto de vida no ensino médio : entre orientação dos estudantes e/ou educação instrumentalizadora – percepções em uma escola pública estadual de São Mateus/ES
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-12-20) Barbosa, Márcia Muricí Redivo; Paiva, Jair Miranda de ;;;;; Locatelli, Andrea Brandão ;;; Cirino, Maria Reilta Dantas ;;
This dissertation is the result of months of in-depth exploration into the education system of the Espírito Santo state network. Linked to the Graduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education at the Centro Universitário do Norte do Estado do Espírito Santo (CEUNES-UFES), it investigated the inclusion of the curricular component “Life Project” in a public high school in the municipality of São Mateus, Espírito Santo. To achieve the proposed objectives, we used theoretical references from studies by Jan Masschelein and Maarten Simons (2022), Jacques Rancière (2010), Paulo Freire (2022), Hannah Arendt (2007), Michel de Certeau (2014), Gert Biesta (2021), among others. During the development of this research, we employed the concept of “Life Project” based on Damon (2009), as well as other authors addressing the concept, such as Nascimento (2013), Araújo, Arantes, and Pinheiro (2020), and Sessarego (2017). This qualitative study explores how the “Life Projetc” component, introduced in high school education, is configured in classroom practices at a public high school, alongside impressions gathered by the researcher in the school environment and through conversations with students and teachers. Throughout the research process, reflections were conducted on the “Life Project” curricular component and its use by students and professionals, culminating in the application of planned methodological strategies, involving both students and teachers, followed by analysis. We concluded that, even after the enactment of Law n.º 14.945/2024 (Brazil, 2024), “Life Project” remains part of the curricular frameworks of public schools in Espírito Santo. However, its implementation has been subject to complaints from both teachers and students. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate this component to verify whether it is fostering changes in teachers' perceptions of students, while also promoting self-awareness, individual growth, and collective development among students. The conclusion of this study emphasizes the importance of considering young people and their circumstances when deciding whether or not to include “Life Project” in the school curriculum. This analysis should account for individual and collective demands that impact youth development and the challenges they face
Memória, fé e resistência : contribuições das mulheres do jongo de Linharinho para educação quilombola
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-09-25) Julio, Wallace Linhares; Andrade, Patricia Gomes Rufino ;;;;; Siller, Rosali Rauta ;;; Katrib, Cairo Mohamad Ibrahim ;;; Reis, Jane Maria dos Santos;;
The topic of this research is Memory, Faith and Resistance: Contributions of the jongo women of Linharinho to Quilombola Education. It seeks to think about the interfaces of quilombola narratives and their use in the school space. We started with the following questions: How to think about School Education in a quilombola community? How can we rescue the memory of the jongo women of Conceição da Barra, valuing their faith and resistance so that they can contribute to quilombola school education?The absence of this discussion in a school belonging to the Quilombola Territory of Sapê do Norte was the point to think about the research, understanding the process of racial and gender confrontation, but also the narratives that arrive at the school full of Brazilian racist stereotype.In this process, the recovery of the memory of the jongo women of Conceição da Barra presents faith, resistance and memory as its foundation. The specific objectives were: 1) Identify, based on memories, faith traditions, resistance, the aspirations of black women quilombola leaders. 2) Record memories related to jongo, and the desires of women who fight for equity in Linharinho.3)Create a Reference for Anti-Racist Pedagogical Practices for Quilombola Education.The methodological path comprises a qualitative analysis of the discourse, considering a preliminary diagnosis of the knowledge disseminated or not at school, the interfaces of discussions about Quilombola Education and the narratives of women in/from the territory. The research is based on the thematic oral history of four black women from the Quilombola Community of Linharinho and the process of school “translation” carried out by ninth- grade students at EMEF. Dr. Mário Vello Silvares who experienced quilombola culture intensely during visits to the Santa Bárbara Memory Point, whose guardian is Gessi Cassiano. Through this study, it was observed that jongueiras are sources of maintenance of quilombola practices, knowledge, identity and citizenship, strengthen the formation of female leaders and are necessary for the composition of school curricula to value the black population and understand Anti-Racist Education