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Submissões Recentes
Fases do estresse e indicadores antropométricos e bioquímicos em servidores da segurança pública
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-17) Kubit, Daniella Messa; Barbosa, Míriam Carmo Rodrigues ;;; Rocha, José Luiz Marques ;;;;; Cattafesta, Monica ;;; Lipp, Marilda Emmanuel Novaes ;;
Introduction: Stress can be classified into three phases: alertness, resistance, and exhaustion. Each phase has its own physiological changes that can impact body composition and biochemical exams of stressed individuals. Public security servers (SSP) are considered more vulnerable to stress due to the inherent demands of their profession. Therefore, this population segment faces health impacts of stress, which can directly affect professional performance. Objective: To evaluate the association between perceived stress and anthropometric and biochemical indicators in PSS in Espírito Santo. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional observational study with analyses of serum biomarkers, evaluations of body composition, and stress phases using the Inventory of Stress Symptom (ISSL). Descriptive analysis was stratified by stress phases, with categorical variables presented through relative and absolute frequencies assessed by Pearson's chi-square test. Continuous variables were presented through measures of central tendency (mean and median) and measures of dispersion (standard deviation and interquartile range), according to the normality test. Linear regression models were used to test associations between dependent variables and stress phases. Analyses were conducted using SPSS® software version 25.0, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The final sample (n=264) was predominantly composed of men (73.6%), with a median age of 40 years, self declared as mixed race (49.0%), working in the metropolitan region of the state (81.9%), in internal services (59.2%), and with completed high school or technical education (65.4%). When evaluating stress levels, 48.1% of PSS were identified as stressed, with 22.8% in the resistance phase and 25.1% in the exhaustion phase. A higher proportion of stress was observed in females (60.3%) (p<0.05). The resistance phase showed a positive association with body fat percentage (β=0.149; IC95%: 0.236 – 5.859), central body fat (β=0.188; IC95%: 0.327 – 4.128), total body fat in kilograms (β=0.165 IC95%: 0.153 – 7.210), and visceral fat (β=0.181; IC95%: 0.273 – 3.862) even after adjustment for confounding variables (p<0.05). Furthermore, the exhaustion phase showed a negative association with total cholesterol (β = -0.163; IC95%: 28.316 - -1.190), LDL-c (β = -0.156; IC95%: -21.946 – -0.125), and percentage lymphocytes (β = -0.224; IC95%: -6.410 – -1.343). On the other hand, this phase was positively associated with Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio (β = 0.255; IC95%: 0.176 – 0.669) and segmented percentage (β = 2.728; IC95%: -1.058 – 6.595) (p<0.05). Conclusion: The resistance phase of stress is associated with body fat accumulation. On the other hand, the exhaustion phase demonstrates associations with biochemical markers involved in lipid metabolism and the immune system, highlighting the different impacts of stress on SSP
Autoralidade fundadora no discurso constituinte teológico
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2025-01-31) Souza Junior, Candido Ferreira de; Nascimento, Jarbas Vargas;; Vidon, Luciano Novaes; Alves Junior, Mário Acrisio; Cano, Márcio Rogério de Oliveira; Sarcinelli, Adriana Recla
Our Thesis has as its theme the study of the enunciative-creative complexity that is established within the theological constituent discourse. We base ourselves on the theoretical-methodological apparatus of French Discourse Analysis (DA), according to the enunciative-discursive perspective proposed by Maingueneau (1995, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2015a, 2015b, 2016, 2020, 2022), in dialogue with the studies of Nascimento (2009, 2020a, 2020b) and theologian Gabus (1977). The thesis we defend is that the theological constituent discourse is organized by means of a founding authorship, which intertwines author and hyperenunciator in a creative paratopic process, guaranteeing legitimacy to its statements. An erasure of the voice of the theological producer allows the enunciation to be established by a hyperenunciator, who is beyond any locality and who becomes the guarantor of this discourse. Our general objective is to examine the enunciative creative complexity of the theological constituent discourse, by associating the notions of authorship, creative paratopia and hyperenunciator. As specific objectives, we aim to understand how the image of the author is constituted in the selected corpus and the discursive ethos that emerges from the paratopic coupling; to identify how the creative paratopia displaces the author-subject in the creative act; to verify how the hyperenunciator establishes himself in the theological scenography, guaranteeing stability to his statements. To prove our thesis, we delimited the object of analysis to three excerpts from the canonical Gospel of John: the prologue – John 1: 1-18; the washing of the feet – John 13: 1-20; the resurrection – John 20: 1-10. The conclusions, resulting from the analytical procedures, corroborate the proof of the proposed thesis, insofar as the corpus analyzed revealed linguistic-discursive marks of the constitutive theological discourse, which involve an authorial instance, marked by a creative paratopic location and by the establishment of a hyperenunciator, an Integrating and Absolute subject, which supports the theological scenography.
Exposição numismática : prática de mediação cultural no âmbito da biblioteca do Senai Linhares-ES
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-19) Santos, Patricia Souza dos; Aldabalde, Taiguara Villela ;;;;; Pereira, Gleice ;;; Kafure Muñoz, Ivette ;;
This work aims to present numismatic exhibition as a cultural mediation practice developed throughout the year 2018 by the librarian of a professional education school in the private system of the city of Linhares in the State of Espírito Santo. The methods of documentary research, bibliographic research, and participant research were adopted. The results are described as follows: Initially, a brief theoretical framework about the theme 'cultural mediation practice' in libraries is presented, then the project is described, and the achieved results as a mediation practice are exposed. Still within the realm of results, it was found that numismatic documents such as banknotes and coins, resources provided by the school community for the composition of the exhibition, were used. It was possible to conclude that the aforementioned practice is within the realm of mediation, as it integrated, that is, managed to engage the public in cultural activity within the library space, thus democratizing the space. From the description, the aim was to present and to some extent understand how this practice was carried out in terms of cultural mediation, and its relationship with the guiding principles of the pedagogical practice of the Senai Professional Education Methodology, thus pointing out an associative and complementary relationship. Therefore, it is concluded that the numismatic exhibition as a cultural mediation practice in the Senai library in Linhares offered contributions to Senai's activities, mainly in the educational field. However, a more in-depth analysis of the results is recommended, as well as a continuous commitment to adopting cultural mediation practices in libraries, archives, museums and other spaces
Por que eu faço o que eu faço? : A escola como espaço do despertar para o pensamento e para a ação a partir da Filosofia de Hannah Arendt
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2025-02-27) Rodrigues Junior, Josimar de Souza; Viesenteiner, Jorge Luiz ;;;;; Barreira, Marcelo Martins ;;; Costeski, Evanildo ;;
This study aims to explore the relationship between thought and action in Hannah Arendt’s philosophy, emphasizing the importance of fostering students’ ability to critically reflect on their own actions. The research investigates the human faculty of “Thinking” and its close connection with “Action”, arguing that these two faculties, in Arendt’s view, are not opposites but engage in dialogue. Based on this analysis, the study proposes a philosophical approach to high school education that encourages students to reflect on their actions in an educational context increasingly oriented toward labor and fabrication. By exploring Arendt’s philosophy and her defense of action as something plural and interconnected within the “web of human relationships”, the research seeks to reflect on how critical thinking can be cultivated in the classroom to prepare individuals for plurality. The investigation culminates in a pedagogical intervention in which arendtian concepts are applied in an educational project aimed at combating racism and bullying in the school environment, demonstrating the effectiveness of philosophy in promoting ethical and social reflection among students
(Diretoria de Governança, Controles Internos e Integridade, 2024-10-11) Diretoria de Governança, Controles Internos e Integridade
Nota de Monitoramento para análise da elaboração do PCS da DGR/Propaes.