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As políticas públicas de valoriz(ação) do trabalho docente na rede de ensino da Serra/ES : a produção de efeitos no “chão da escola” : (De que valor se trata?)
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2009-06-28) Queiroz, Marcos Gonçalves; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de ;;;;; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de;;
This study aimed at analyzing the teacher valorization policy in elementary schools in the city of Serra-ES, during the city administration taking place between 1997 and 2004. The study uses Yves Schwartz’s ergological perspective and is also based on Marx’s Theory of Value. Therefore, it considers work as a collective activity in which the human being needs to co-construct management and widen its autonomy in order to handle the teaching task in public schools. Education is understood as a non-dimensional value whose mode of operation organization should be turned towards producing education with social quality and commitment to asserting life as a common good value to society. Starting from this premise, the paper realize that the educational policy in the period under study neither strengthened nor provided visibility to other modes of operation of schools, besides valuing the mercantile logic as a policy to organize and attribute value to the activity of education workers. On the other hand, it also realize that even with the statute reform and application of Programa Escola Campeã (Champion School Program) during the administration studied, educators developed strategies of daily struggle and ways of (re)existing to government policies in this period. Thus, school work is not limited to the classroom, but must also be constituted as an act of effective and collective participation in the production of educational policies, which should be co-produced with the ones “in the school ground” so that school education can play its social role of producing the common good. This study can contribute to the need of problematizing the process of attributing value to teaching in its multiple dimensions and also understand administration as production of autonomy and an important aspect in the process of widening and potentializing the ongoing instituting movements of schools in order to improve public education social quality and the value of work management in education organization.
O curso de Serviço Social da Ufes : memória, afetos e história
(Edufes, 2024) Serpa, Ana Maria Petronetto (Org.)
A coletânea "O curso de Serviço Social da Ufes: memória, afetos e história" resgata a história de ensino, pesquisa e extensão da unidade, nesses cinquenta anos, e de articulação da experiência concreta vivida pelos sujeitos sociais do curso com as realidades brasileira e latino-americana, através da participação em movimentos da sociedade, da universidade e do serviço social. Há uma preocupação central com a construção democrática, a justiça social e a efetivação do projeto ético-político da profissão, construído a partir de meados dos anos 1970, que coincide com a criação do curso.
A cooperação no CPC-2015: colaboração, comparticipação ou cooperação para o processo?
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-04-27) Pimenta, Henrique de Souza; Madureira, Claudio Penedo;;;;; Zaneti Junior, Hermes;;; Cabral, Trícia Navarro Xavier;;
The research is dedicated to the subject of procedural cooperation, in order to examine which procedural subjects are bound by cooperative duties from the cooperative process model inaugurated by the Procedure Civil Code of 2015. It identifies, from a historical perspective, the existence of three models of procedural organization: adversarial, inquisitorial and cooperative. The adversarial model is related to the Liberal State and its central characteristics are the protagonism of the parties in the conduct of the process and the relatively passive position of the judge during the procedural. The inquisitorial model corresponds to the Social State and is marked by the presence of the judge as the main character of the process with a view to finding the "real truth". From its turn, the cooperative model is compatible with the Constitutional Democratic State and organizes the process around a "work community", in which all the procedural subjects contribute, from a dialogic environment, to the formation of the decision of judicial process of fair, timely and effective merit. It notes that the cooperative model find its foundation from the principle of cooperation, which is understood as a principle endowed with normativity to impose a state of affairs, so that, all conduct contrary to the promotion of a cooperative process environment will be considered illegal. It notes that cooperative duties derive from the principle of good faith and imply cooperative behavior for all procedural subjects. It states that the objective of the contemporary process is to safeguard rights in a fair, adequate, timely and compatible manner to fundamental rights, so that all procedural subjects, without exception, must observe cooperative duties. It verifies that cooperative duties are linked to the counterfactual function of the legal phenomenon, so that counterintuitive behaviors will be imposed on procedural subjects, so that all procedural subjects cooperate for the process. It notes that non-compliance with cooperative duties generates sanctions expressly established by law, as well as having the potential to entail a number of procedural disadvantages, such as a default judgment, the preclusion of untimely arguments, a judgment of merit on the grounds of insufficiency of evidence.
Avaliação do Sistema Eletrônico de Informação da Prefeitura Municipal de Cariacica em relação aos requisitos arquivísticos do e-ARQ Brasil
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-04-26) Porto, Leandro; Ferrari, Luciana Itida ;;; Silva, Luiz Carlos da;;;;; Moraes, Margarete Farias de ;;; Cunha, Francisco José Aragão Pedroza;;
The investigation of this study focused on the lack of organization of archival documents at Cariacica City Hall. Through the implementation of an Electronic Information System, a hypothesis was built, verifying whether document management complies with archival requirements and investigating whether the proposed functionalities adhere to the requirements proposed in e-Arq Brasil. The research used exploratory and descriptive methods to discuss the theoretical framework and describe its implementation by the institution. The general objective of this research is to evaluate the document management carried out by the Electronic Information System in accordance with the requirements of e-Arq Brasil. The specific objectives are to discuss policies intertwined with policies in the public domain that deal with information policy and archival policy; to discuss document management as the integration of archival requirements in the light of the postulates of Information Science and Archivistics; to describe the process of implementing the Electronic Information System; to compare the municipality's Electronic Information System according to the document Model of Requirements for Computerized Document Management Systems (e-ARQ Brasil); contextualizing the research with the trends of Information and Communication Technologies in Public Administration. Analysis of the electronic information system's requirements revealed a flexible architecture, but not yet configured for institutional processes. The application of the direct observation tool indicated favorable adherence to the functional requirements of e-ARQ Brasil, but the institution needs to make adjustments. The results highlight the importance of systems that address archival issues in order to provide authenticity in matters that require legal and/or administrative probity so that various purposes can be met.
Uso do solo na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio São Mateus empregando ferramentas de Geotecnologia
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-27) Nardotto Júnior, André Orlandi; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro;;;;; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos;;; Gontijo, Ivoney;;