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Submissões Recentes

Mídia, crítica e informação: a história pelas reportagens do posição, um jornal feito para o leitor
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-06-04) Amaro, Jonathan Neves; Gentilli, Victor Israel;;;;; Peruzzo, Cicilia Maria Kronhling; Simões, Rafael Claudio
This dissertation seeks to investigate the trajectory of alternative journalism during the Brazilian military dictatorship, having as its object the newspaper Posição (1976-1979). Founded by journalists, the publication marked an era with its scoops and major reports on the Espírito Santo scene. Understanding alternative journalism as a territory of knowledge capable of influencing the way people see space and time, based on the hypothesis that the position, by adopting a critical stance, wrote and rewrote History, giving a voice to those who did not have one, opening space for opposition and, thus, participating in the deconstruction of the facts created until then. To do this, we draw a timeline of how the trajectory of the alternative proceeded to understand how the potentialities allowed by alternative journalism are explored in the reports that circulated between October 1976 and March 1979. Among the components, we must that the alternative, at the to focus on common issues at the time, distributing relations between media and history based on the pages and statements of sources, pointing to silenced and often hidden issues, as a counterpoint to the government's official discourse.
Ontologia do espaço, globalização e técnica: um diálogo entre Sloterdijk e a geografia
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-11) Vieira, Lucas Pereira; Reis, Luís Carlos Tosta dos;;; Nogueira, Carlo Eugênio; Carvalho, Antônio Alfredo Teles de
The research aims to establish a dialog between the theory of geography and the philosophical thought developed by Peter Sloterdijk. To this end, parallels are sought to be drawn between the way in which geographic science has dealt with relevant themes in its internal framework, privileging debates around the ontology of space, technique, and globalization. It also aims to analyze how these same phenomena are recurrently thematized, occupying a fundamental position in Sloterdijk's philosophy. The themes that guide this investigation, namely, the ontology of space, globalization, and technique, were not selected arbitrarily. Besides being well-established issues within the research area of geographic science, they are notions of fundamental importance for understanding Sloterdijk's thought. It is worth noting that, although these and other diverse themes dear to the geographical discipline are frequently worked on by the philosopher in question, his work is not a work that is located within the internal plane of the theory of geography, after all, Sloterdijk does not expressly intend to develop a proposal focused on geographic science. However, this fact does not prevent, as intended in this research, that geographic science can embark on a project of aspiring to a philosophical basis to (re) think established themes in the discipline. Especially when identifying the potential that Sloterdijkian philosophy can offer and the still incipient nature of its reception by the theory of geography.
A luta por reparação é de mulheres: raça e gênero no quilombo do Degredo frente ao desastre-crime no Rio Doce
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-28) Loiola, Rosimery Soares; Silva, Sandro José da;;;;; Oliveira, Osvaldo Martins de; Lourenço, Sônia Regina
This work describes how women from the quilombola community of Degredo (Linhares, Espírito Santo) built their relationship with the crime disaster that occurred on the Rio Doce and its tributaries in 2015. The object of study was delimited based on the observation of poor visibility and recognition of women in the social organization of conflicts resulting from the disaster, since the “affected” category served to generalize the experiences of those affected by the dam collapse, the mobilizations and the solutions found. Considering the perspectives of registration in terms of gender and race, I take as a methodology the ethnography of the daily lives of those quilombola women involved in the construction of spaces of political leadership, as well as their perception and the interactions they have not only with the political space, but with the rivers, the waters, the sea, the land and the fish. I conclude the dissertation by describing how the quilombola women involved in the process of repairing the damage caused by the disaster consider it an expression of environmental racism.
Análise da cinética de decomposição térmica da casca de urucum (bixa orellana l.)
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-05-28) Breciani, João Guilherme Fraga; Sousa, Robson Costa de; Costa, Ariany Binda Silva;;;; Carvalho, Romero Florentino de;;; Alves, Rejane Costa;;; Perazzini, Maisa Tonon Bitti
This study aims to investigate the drying kinetics and thermal decomposition of annatto husks (Bixa orellana L.) in a nitrogen atmosphere. The analysis was performed through physical-chemical, thermal, and thermodynamic characterizations of the residue. Based the data obtained from the physico-chemical characterization, the residue's energy potential was verified, showing a low ash content and high calorific value. The thermal characterization was carried out using thermogravimetric analysis of the residues at different heating rates, which allowed for the determination of the material's peak, ignition, and burnout temperatures during the pyrolysis process. From this data, a drying kinetics study was performed, where the Page model provided the best fit to the experimental data. Additionally, the thermal decomposition kinetics of the material was studied using global and multicomponent models. Among the global models, Friedman, FWO, KAS, and Vyazovkin models were analyzed, but none were suitable for experimental representation. For the multicomponent models, consecutive reactions and independent parallel reactions were analyzed, both showing excellent fits, with TG deviations below 2.6% for all heating rates analyzed. Finally, in the thermodynamic characterization, the values of enthalpy, Gibbs free energy, and entropy indicate that the thermal decomposition of annatto husks in a nitrogen atmosphere is an endothermic and non-spontaneous process.
A etnoornitologia como elemento de integração do conhecimento popular ao ensino de biologia
(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-07-03) Rezende, Jardel Pedro de Oliveira; Hoffmann, Diego;;; Teixeira, Marcos da Cunha;;;;; Barata, Diogina;;; Almeida, Renato de;;
This research addresses ethno-ornithology in high school as a strategy to value popular knowledge and integrate it into the school curriculum. The central problem investigates how the inclusion of ethno-ornithological knowledge can enrich biology education, promoting a deeper understanding of local biodiversity and environmental conservation. The objective is to explore ethno-ornithology as a pedagogical tool to strengthen students' connection with their environment, encouraging interdisciplinary learning and respect for nature. The methodology adopted involved the application of didactic sequences based on ethno-ornithological knowledge, collected through participatory research in local communities. The results demonstrated that the ethno-ornithological approach in biology teaching favors the appreciation of traditional knowledge, stimulates students' scientific curiosity and promotes awareness of the importance of conserving birds and their habitats. It is concluded that the integration of ethnoornithology in biology teaching programs is essential for effective environmental education, capable of forming conscious citizens responsible for the preservation of natural and cultural heritage.