PPGEF - Dissertações de mestrado

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    Educação física, linguagem e inclusão : o hip hop como ferramenta de humanização e produção cultural de jovens e adultos com deficiência intelectual e autismo
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-07-02) Pessoa, Daiane Matheus; Sá, Maria das Graças Carvalho Silva de; Oliveira, Ivone Martins de; Chicon, José Franscisco
    The main goal of this research is to analyze the multiple forms of language that exists in a hip hop teaching-learning experience, which would be used as an instrument for humanization and social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and autism. For that matter, this study problematizes a variety of meanings that language can input on the human constitution of these subjects. In addition, it identifies the processes of internalization and cultural production that emerge from this experience, as well as those that reflect on them. The research uses hip hop as teaching subject, aiming for the appropriation of its multiple dimensions of language (graphite, DJ, MC, break, skateboarding and street basketball) used as an instrument for confronting the hiatus there is in social relations that take oral language as the only form of interlocution/social interaction. It also uses the hip hop teaching-learning experience and all the youth practices that it embraces as a possible opportunity to reaffirm the condition of youth that is repeatedly denied to those individuals. It is based on the historical-cultural approach, with special emphasis on the Lev S. Vygotsky’s contributions on the importance of historical and cultural context and social interactions for humanization processes. It is also based on the René Barbier’s existential action-research, in which the members of the participant group become intimate collaborators on the research being influenced by the object. A total of 25 adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism and their legal representatives took part on the research, which was held as an extension project at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. A project coordinator,two teachers, five scholarship students, five interns and two volunteers constituted the collective-researcher, contributing to the development of the study in a collective-collaborative way. The data was collected through daily reports on the field, photographs, videotapes, focus groups and also through the observations of the variety of languages produced by the subjects. All the records were organized according to the Laurence Bardin’s contents categories analysis and Maria Cecília Rafael de Góes’s microgenetic analysis.
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    Desenvolvimento de um programa computacional para análise técnico-tática no kendô
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-06-26) Louzada, Ian Renon; Ferreira, Lucas Guimarães; Lourenção, Gil Vicente Nagai; Oliveira, Mauricio dos Santos de
    The martial arts have had great repercussion in recent years due to their sportivization, potentialized by the entry of several modalities in the Olympic program, such as judo, taekwondo and karate. Kendo is a very traditional martial art, where practitioners and organizers try to keep it off the sports circuit, not giving it the sporting character. Despite this, there is development in competitions, finding a scientific way to try to improve fighting techniques. The present study aims to develop a methodology of technical and tactical analysis in Kendo. To this objective, a video analysis software was developed in order to facilitate the collection of data from the fights, having been named VideoK. The fights analyzed were the 15th Japanese Kendo Championship and were made available on a video streaming site by the Japanese Kendo Federation itself. An evaluator conducted two collections of the fifteen selected championship fights to evaluate the intra-evaluator correlation. Correlations classified as "very good", indicating good reproducibility, were obtained in all analyzes. It was also possible to obtain the averages of the targets of the fifteen fights, with the highest occurrence being the Men (head), followed by Kote (hand), Do (trunk) and Tsuki (throat). The interevaluator reproducibility was also analyzed, where a second evaluator collected data from ten fights of the same championship and the data were compared with the first evaluator's collection. All correlations were classified as "very good" between the two evaluators.
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    Vivências de lazer das juventudes universitárias
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-28) Freitas, Heloisa Heringer; Henriques, Susana Alexandra; Romera, Liana Abrão; Quintana, Idurre Lazcano; Martins, Raul Aragão
    In a world scenario of increase and a range of possibilities of leisure experiences, to explore the way in which youths experience leisure can contribute to understanding the senses given the experiences, as well as the heterogeneous realities of the youths themselves. This research aimed to know the leisure experiences of young undergraduate students of Physical Education of the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. To do so, the research is divided into two parts, the first one explores leisure practices related to preferences, wishes and barriers that make it impossible for the public to experience leisure activities. The second one, which aim to know the nighttime leisure experiences and the third, which observes the use of licit and illicit drugs among the undergraduate students. This research is a descriptive qualitative investigation with application of an online survey in a population of 217 undergraduates (41.5% women and 58.5% men). The data analyze was performed through the IBM SPSS statistical package. We focused on the preferences, wishes, times available and recreational resources of young university students, as well as issues involving nighttime recreation and recreational drug use among these youths. The youth’s leisure experiences have a broad repertoire, which evidences the pursuit for experiences of socialization, physical and sports practices and rest from the daily routine. We identify that the tourist, intellectual and artistic practices configure the leisure wishes among these young expressions mainly due to the lack of time or money for the realization. The research also pointed out that the nighttime leisure scenarios, especially at the weekends, show a moment of rupture with everyday life and socialization through a diversity of leisure itineraries, for a portion of the population, rare also contexts of drug use. Among the men and women investigated, 63.6% drink alcoholic beverages at night and 49% of the drinking population has a pattern of binge drinking, that appears with higher percentages when consumed in informal spaces such as streets and squares, potentially by less regulatory control than in bars and pubs. As for illicit consumption, 19.3% declare their use and marijuana appears among 95.3% of these consumptions, among which 20% have daily use. Other reported intakes are ecstasy (32.6%), solvents (14%), cocaine (9.3%). We suggest that these youths have a wide repertoire of leisure with an emphasis on socialization. The nightime leisure is characterized by several itineraries and by rupture with everyday life To a part of the university students we suggest that drug consumption is intrinsically related to nighttime leisure patterns highlight issues such as autonomous expression of their identities and preferences, which are less connected deviant behavior, but to issues of identity and lifestyle in contemporary societies.
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    Aspectos relacionais da criança com autismo em situação de brincadeira
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-31) Araujo, Fabiana Zanol; Chicon, José Francisco; Oliveira, Ivone Martins de; Sá, Maria das Graças Carvalho Silva de
    In several descriptions of a child with autism it is pointed out that the way of relating and playing of these children demonstrates a very restricted and quite peculiar way, due to the serious general impairment of their psyche. This situation directed this study to the relational aspects of children with autism, considering that the biological factors are not immutable. Behavioral transformations occur from the insertion of these children in sociocultural environments and in the belief of human potential. Thus, the study aims to understand the relational aspects of children with autism in a university playroom. The research aims to identify the relationships between children with autism and adults in an inclusive context, and to analyze the relational aspects of autistic children with their peers in playing games. It is a qualitative research of the case study type, based on the historical-cultural approach. In order to carry out the case study, it uses the database organized by the counselor of this study that carries out a broader research, entitled "The playing time of the child with autism in the toy library: inclusion, pedagogical mediation and language", which began in March 2016, with a duration of three years. The organized database contains 24 classes conducted during the period from March to November of 2016, with video recordings, a routine diary, photographs and semi-structured interview with the relatives of children with autism who are members of the study. The participants were 17 children, aged between three and six years old. Ten non-disabled children from a Center for Early Childhood Education, six with autism and one with Down syndrome, all from the City of Vitória/ES. The children were assisted by 13 trainees of the Physical Education Course, in a weekly meeting, every Thursday, from 2 to 3 pm. During the playing time, trainees took on the role of leading the class, accompanying children with disabilities and recording lessons through video recording and photographs. Throughout the investigation phase, two categories recurrently appeared, namely:- the constitution of bonds, to analyze the interaction of the child with autism with the adult during playing time; - the body dimension in its experiential space-time subcategory of the child with autism in the relationship with their playmates, to analyze the interaction of the child with autism with colleagues. The results show that, in the category of bonding, what is perceived is that, while the child with autism does not establish bond with the adult, its actions with the environment becomes poor, limited only to its interests; and when the child with autism establishes a relationship of bond with the adult, its actions with the environment is enriched, expanding its possibilities to feel, to think and to act. With regards to the category of the corporal dimension, after configuring the bond with the adult, the interaction of the child with autism with his peers, toys and games is increased. Through the proxemic analysis, which consists in the analysis of the personal occupation of the social space by the child itself, it is perceived that there is a social distancing of the children with autism in relation to the peers. However, some situations and actions have been identified and have contributed to reduce this physical distance to the personal and intimate levels, those are: the solidarity and friendship, the establishment of new friendships, the difference / diversity issues and collaborative actions. The study reveals that by inserting in the pedagogical activities the interaction between children with and without disabilities / autism, it becomes necessary to recover values and knowledge that include the body and its expressions, movement, gesture, affection, emotions, playfulness and enchantment, as well as values and knowledge capable of dealing with differences. Therefore, it is important to motivate children to learn by the meaning manner, including the contributions they can make from their experiences, and play as a driving force in the interaction of children.
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    Análise do desempenho e da influência da força e da potência muscular dos membros inferiores no equilíbrio postural de idosos ativos e sedentários
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-05-17) Vieira, Leonardo Araújo; Rinaldi, Natalia Madalena; Barbieri, Fábio Augusto; Liposcki, Daniela Branco
    Introduction: Aging promotes a decline in balance control and muscle function. These factors are related to the occurrence of falls, but are possible to be modified through the practice of exercises. Thus, physical activity programs, such as the Exercise Orientation Service (SOE), can contribute to better performance in balance control and muscle function. In addition, the elderly present alterations in the strategies of postural control, with greater dependence on the hip strategy in relation to the ankle, which seem to be related to the decline in muscular function. However, the influence of hip and knee and ankle muscle strength and power on performance in balance control of active and sedentary elders in different postural tasks has not yet been fully elucidated. Thus, to answer the research questions, the dissertation was divided into 02 studies.. Objectives: Study 1) to evaluate the postural balance and muscle function of the lower limbs of the elderly participants of the multicomponent exercises offered by EOS; Study 2) to evaluate the influence of hip, knee and ankle muscle strength and power in postural balance of active and sedentary elders. Materials and Methods: A total of 61 elderly people participated in the studies. In study 01 the sample was divided into 02 groups: Active (N = 31) and Sedentary (n = 30). In study 02 the sample was grouped into a single group of elderly (n = 61). The balance evaluation was performed using static posturography using a force platform in 08 postural tasks (bipodal base on rigid surface, bipodal base on unstable surface, semitandem base on rigid surface and semitandem base on unstable surface, all performed in conditions with eyes open and closed). An isokinetic dynamometer in the concentric mode was used to evaluate the hip, knee and ankle muscles function. In order to verify possible differences between the groups of variance tests (ANCOVAs and MANCOVAs) were performed in study 01. In study 02 to evaluate the association between the variables of strength and muscular power of hip, knee and ankle and posturographic variables were performed multiple linear regression and correlation tests. A significance level of p≤0.05 was adopted for all analyzes. Results: Study 01 showed that active elderly presented better performance in the assessment of the balance in relation to the sedentary ones, being the differences revealed mainly in the more challenging tasks (that involved decrease of the support base and disturbance in the visual and somatosensory system). Differences were also revealed between the groups in hip, knee and ankle muscle power, with greater muscle power in the active elderly group. Study 02 demonstrated that there is an association between the variables of strength and muscular power of the hip, knee and ankle and balance, and that this association is influenced by the difficulty of the task and the level of physical activity of the elderly. Conclusion: Multicomponent exercises offered by the SOE contribute to a better performance in the control of balance and muscle power of the lower limbs, which may help to prevent falls and improve the quality of life of the elderly. The strength and muscular power of the hip, knee and ankle influences balance control. The association between the variables of muscular function and balance varies according to the difficulty level of the task, and is influenced by the level of physical activity of the elderly.