PPGL - Teses de doutorado

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    Parada obrigatória para pensar: engajamento e mercado nas canções de Gonzaguinha
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-28) Moreira, Daniella Bertocchi; Salgueiro, Wilberth Claython Ferreira; Vermes, Viviana Mónica; Nascimento, Jorge do; Jutgla, Cristiano Augusto da Silva; Barbosa,Jorge Luis Verly
    The thesis aims at analyzing the songs by Luiz Gonzaga do Nascimento Junior, also known as Gonzaguinha (1945-1991), produced during the years of military dictatorship in Brazil (1973-1979) and after the end of the dictatorship, when the country was going through a redemocratization period, being supported by the notion of testimony, through texts written by Marcio Seligmann-Silva, Jaime Ginzburg and Jeanne-Marie Gagnebin. The songs written by Gonzaguinha will also be studied through the concepts such as cultural industry, content of truth and cultural semiformation, developed by the German philosopher Theodor Adorno. The period selected to be analyzed as well as the division of his work is justified by the fact that Gonzaguinha composed his songs in very different periods in Brazil’s history. It is necessary to point out, however, that is not possible to make a precise cut in his work because, as it will be discussed, Gonzaguinha has always been faithful to his beliefs, despite the fact that his songs have different themes. The intention here is to study how Gonzaguinha dealt with dictatorship and how he composed during this period, as well as verify what changed in his songs when the dictatorship ended and the country went through a period of redemocratization, bearing in mind that his songs reflect a historical period marked by so distinct moments such as the dictatorship and democracy and reveal, therefore, its value to the study of songs and literature.
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    Etnicidade e literatura: a presença do negro na literatura marginal periférica
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-28) Mongim, Luciana Marquesini; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Amaral, Sérgio da Fonseca; Schiffler, Michele Freire; Nathanailidis, Andressa Zoi; Maciel, Keila Mara de Souza Araújo
    This thesis focuses on the critical reading of Elizandra Souza's Águas da Cabaça (2012) poetry book and Allan da Rosa's Reza de Mãe (2016), as a way of analyzing aesthetic strategies and resources poetic-discursive that structure the writing of two peripheral marginal authors of São Paulo, in which they relate literature, ethnicity, cultural identity and territory. The works integrate a network of dialogues and displacements of meanings that relates to the African Diaspora, the strategies of resistance, negotiation and elaboration of the identities of Afrodescendants and the cultural aspects and everyday experiences of the black being in the contemporary urban periphery. They delineate the black and peripheral body that transits in the urban space, as well as discursive and identity productions that dialogue with different codes and supports and that cause ruptures in the literary and linguistic canon and deconstruct stereotyped and discriminatory images, structuring a peripheral afro-marginal poetics. The procedure of analyzing the works is based on the comparative method of poetical dictions and the aesthetic elaborations of writers, as a way of highlighting the unfolding of the AfroDiaspora and Afro-Descendant aesthetics in contemporary peripheral marginal literary production. The approximations and differences between the writers base the singularities inherent to them in the process of construction of their poetic making and the black and peripheral body that is transposed in written handwriting. The analysis is based on the theoretical elaborations on cultural identity and its relations with ethnicity and the black diaspora, formulated by Stuart Hall (2003), and the reflections on black political and cultural history in the West, developed by Paul Gilroy (2001). Feminist criticism, especially related to black feminism, like the theoretical postulates of Djamila Ribeiro, Conceição Evaristo, Carla Aktirene, Joice Berth, Lélia Gonzales, Sueli Carneiro, bell hooks, Angela Davis, Patricia Hill Collins, Judith Buttler, Kimberlé Crenshaw, support the problematization of intersectionalities and the feminine, black and peripheral poetic subject in the process of elaborating a feminine identity in the periphery. Still grounding the discussion on oppressive factors that intersect, the notion of urban territory, which assumes the centrality of enunciation and statement, is taken from the geographical studies developed by Milton Santos, Rogério Haesbaert and Carlos Walter Porto-Gonçalves.
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    Perfis de mulheres: a phília aristotélica na trilogia de José de Alencar
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-12-13) Salim, Larissa Itami O'Hara; Leite, Leni Ribeiro; Oliveira, Ester Abreu Vieira de; Schiffler, Michele Freire; Martinelli Filho, Nelson; Silva, Camilla Ferreira Paulino da; Caser, Maria Mirtis; Fortes, Fabio da Silva
    The present work aims to analyze the brazilian literary works Lucíola, Diva and Senhora, by José de Alencar, published respectively in 1862, 1864, 1875 and considered members of the trilogy called perfis de mulheres, from a study that will combine literary and philosophical knowledge. We will use Aristotle's philosophical perspective on the philía sentiment, to investigate whether it can be found in the alencarian literary works already mentioned. This means that the philosophical concept will be a tool for reading literary works. As a method, we will conduct a qualitative research, based on the deduction, with the technical procedure of the bibliographic research, since it is a work essentially of research, analysis and textual interpretation. With this investigation, we intend to obtain as a result the verification or the dismissal of our hypothesis: that the aristotelian philía pervades the literary alencarian trilogy.
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    A retórica da alteridade na “Relação da missão da serra da Ibiapaba”, do Padre Antônio Vieira
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-12-03) Santos, Fernanda Cristina da Encarnação dos; Franco, José Eduardo; Sodré, Paulo Roberto; Machado, Lino; Leite, Leni Ribeiro; Lachat, Marcelo; Sodré, Paulo Roberto
    Antônio Vieira documents his travels, in the seventeenth century, through letters (epistolography) and various narratives. Among these texts is "Relação da missão da serra da Ibiapaba", produced in 1660th. In an attempt not only to write, but also to represent and legitimize his writing and his action, Vieira finds, in his discursive practice of travel, a multiplicity and a comprehensiveness of circumstances and places of writing, with several recipients. Thus, it is sought to analyze, in a rhetorical perspective, the "Relação da missão da serra da Ibiapaba", a narrative based on the rhetorical preceptives of Instituição Oratória, from Quintilian, and Do orador, from Cicero, fundamental works for the ignatian Order. The study of François Hartog (1999), in which the rhetorical categories from Herodotus's work, such as "comparison", "translation", "nomination", "classification", “inversion” and “converting”. These categories make possible the analysis of the rhetoric of alterity in the text "Relação", since they allow the Vieira’s narrator to describe and classify the indigenous tabajaras of the Ibiapaba mountain range. The thesis observes a narrative that is a solid component of several other writings about natives, produced by Antônio Vieira between 1650 and 1660th , in which the rhetoric-argumentative preceptives are maintained, in defense of a greater cause: the evangelization of the native tabajaras and the presence of the Jesuits in the Ibiapaba mountain range. The rhetorical analysis also allows us to conclude that the tabajaras actively negotiate with the Jesuits, and the considerations about them are not limited to characteristics such as "ignorance", "primitivism", "savagery", understanding them as an integral part of a complex process of colonization, based on the theoretical principles of the FifthEmpire.
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    Linhas e tecidos: nas tramas de Pirandello
    (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-08-31) Scalfoni, Camila; Nascimento, Jorge Luiz do; Soares, Luís Eustáquio; Silva, Paulo Muniz da; Freire, Pedro Antonio; Carvalho, Raimundo Nonato Barbosa de
    La richerca si stabilisce, partendo dall’analisi di due novelle di Luigi Pirandello “Il bottone della palandrana” (1013), “La marsina stretta” (1924), la forza dell’abbigliamento, che costituisce un aspetto importante per lo studio dell’autore italiano. Nei racconti, è patente l’importanza degli indumenti come elemento constituinte dell’indentità dei personaggi, sopratutto quanto stemma di opressione, scissione e conflitto delle creature pirandelliane. Questo lavoro, che viene definito, metodologicamente, per la lettura critica e analitica di racconti di Pirandello, retta da un riferimento teórico, critico e istoriografico il quale scopo dell’analisi del vestuario come stumento di lettura dei riferiti racconti. Perciò, ci facciamo aiutare, dal punto teorico, di saggi filosofici e antropologici rivolti alla comprensione dell’indumento. Tra i teorici, mettiamo in evidenza Gilda de Mello e Souza, Gilles Lipovetsky, Lars Svendsen e Roland Barthes; oltre che testi di teoria e critica letteraria attinenti all’esame dell’oper di Luigi Pirandello. Crediamo che la rilevanza del lavoro risieda nella proposta di acrescere agli studi letterari una comprensione dell’abbigliamento e del vestuario come funzioni basilari della costruzione dei personaggi e dell’intreccio narrativo.