Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem
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Navegando Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem por Autor "Almeida, Vanessa Sena de"
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- ItemTecnologia para o cuidado de enfermagem a familiares de pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-02-08) Almeida, Vanessa Sena de; Batista, Karla de Melo;;;;; Bringuente, Maria Edla de Oliveira;;; Gouvêa, Áquila Lopes;; The family members suffer when experiencing the moment of hospitalization of their loved one in an Intensive Care Unit, a moment that can leave them worried and unhappy, generating stress, anxiety, and fear. It was evidenced that family members experience interruption or reduction of professional, social and leisure activities; adequacy of routine for visiting hours; and reduction of appetite. Objective: To develop and validate a technology for nursing care to family members of patients admitted to intensive care units. Specific Objective: To identify the needs of family members of patients admitted to an Intensive Care Unit. Method: This is a methodological study, with the production of technology, divided into three stages: 1) Identification of the needs of family members of patients in the intensive care unit; 2) Validation of the content of the technology with reference to the needs identified in family members of patients in an intensive care unit; 3) Preparation of technology for nursing care to family members of patients in an intensive care unit. Results: From the integrative literature review performed in the first stage, it was possible to elaborate a framework of the needs of family members of patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit and nursing interventions. In the second and third stages, the content of the technology for nursing care to family members of patients in an Intensive Care Unit was developed and validated. Fifteen nurse judges from different regions of Brazil participated in the study, validating the content of the identified needs with a mean score of 0.87. The validated needs subsidized the content of the developed products. Product: Protocol of care for the families of patients in an Intensive Care Unit, composed of a flowchart, a family member registration form, a chart of nursing needs and interventions, and an environment project for the waiting room. Conclusion: The technology developed serves as a guide for the nurses' actions regarding the admission of the patient-family binomial and the standardization of the already consolidated best practices of care. Furthermore, it can impact in changes in the planning and implementation of practices aimed at welcoming and humanizing the environment regarding the need to strengthen the presence of the family.