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Navegando Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem por Autor "Amorim, Maria Helena Costa"
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- ItemA acupuntura enquanto prática complementar na atenção à saúde do trabalhador(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-03-16) Teixeira, Renata Frossard; Figueiredo, Túlio Alberto Martins de; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Luciano, Luzimar dos SantosIn 2006, the National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices has been published and contributed strongly to the growth of practices until then named “alternatives”, for instance: Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Phytotherapy and others. However, when it comes to workers’ health, the offer of this service within SUS is still scarce, mainly Acupuncture, the object of this study which was divided into the following two productions presented: As a first desiring production, developed a article to create a printed information technology, commonly known as Manual, to provide scientific background information in relation to the practice of acupuncture, as being a therapeutic interventions system of a university hospital in the state of Espirito Santo. As a second production desiring drew up a proposal for intervention through which lists the subsidies necessary to implement a complementary service of nursing care as having acupuncture device in attention to workers' health. The purpose of this study is to provide a contribution to the spread of acupuncture focused on workers' health.
- ItemAnsiedade e estratégias de enfrentamento adotadas pelas mulheres com diagnóstico de câncer de mama em tratamento quimioterápico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-29) Silva, Araceli Vicente da; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Zandonade, Eliana; Miotto, Maria Helena Monteiro BarrosObjectives: To identify the trait and state anxiety and psychological coping strategies for patients with breast cancer, and to examine its relationship with sociodemographic and clinical variables, and to correlate the coping strategies adopted with the trait and state anxiety. Methodology: This is a descriptive crosssectional study, developed in the chemotherapy Ylza Bianco outpatient sector of the Hospital Santa Rita, located in Vitória / ES. The sample was randomly taken, and was composed by 307 women with prior breast cancer intravenous chemotherapy, either adjuvant or palliative. Data was collected through interviews, and the Confront Problems Mode Scale (EMEP) and the Anxiety Inventory (A-Trait) and State (State B) – IDATE scales were used. For statistical analysis, the SPSS program, version 19.0, was used. Results: 60.9% of patients were found to have low levels of trait anxiety, and 91.5% low level of the state of anxiety. The coping strategy most used by patients was coping focused on the problem, followed by focus on religion, and the coping strategies focused on social support and emotion were the least used. A significant correlation of trait anxiety and coping strategies focused on the problem (p<0,000); with focus on emotion (p<0,000); state of anxiety with coping focused on the problem (p=0,001 ); and with focus on emotion (p=0,004) was proved. Conclusion: The socio-demographic and clinical variables influence in a direct way in the level of anxiety and choice of coping strategy to be adopted by patients. It was found that the coping strategy chosen by women is directly related to their state and trait anxiety. Providers should know the correlation between coping and anxiety to develop measures to implement and help patients to choose efficient strategies for coping and, as a consequence, reducing the level of anxiety.
- ItemConhecimento e autocuidado em mulheres com diabetes mellitus gestacional(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-12-06) Nascimento, Soneide Pereira do; Bicudo, Sheilla Diniz Silveira; Zanetti, Maria Lúcia; Castro, Denise Silveira de; Alves, Rosana; Amorim, Maria Helena CostaIntroduction: Early diagnosis and gestational diabetes treatment aim to reduce maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Knowledge of the therapeutic measures enables achieving normoglycemia, reducing the incidence of complications. Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge of the health condition and self-care actions in women with gestational diabetes followed at Hospital Universitario Cassiano Antonio de Moraes in Vitória - ES. Methodology: Exploratory and descriptive study, conducted with women who met the inclusion criteria: 18 years and recording of gestational diabetes in the medical record health. We used forms containing demographic and clinical data and script with two open questions. The interviews were recorded and deleted after transcription. The analysis is based on the Collective Subject Discourse technique. Results: Participants were 36 women of mixed race mixed predominance and age between 29-39 years old, married, housewife, education level between complete and incomplete secondary education and family income one to less than three minimum wages. From the discourses related to knowledge about gestational diabetes were obtained eight categories: inadequate diet, GDM background, the newborn´s complication, mother´s gestational effects, altered glucose, medication need, DMG lack and remain with DM. Five categories emerged on the question of self-care: changing diet, monitoring glucose´s blood, medication and coping with diabetes and myths related to glucose´s blood control. The interviewees showed that they have gaps in relation to knowledge about gestational diabetes, but recognize the complications for mother and child, reported difficulty following the diet plan proposed, but it still tried to adopt it, despite resistance to change lifestyle habits. Final Thoughts: It is necessary to implement educational strategies and tools to support self-care in this specific population. The results of this study provided the elaboration of an educational booklet targeted to customers accompanied on the research scenario.
- ItemEfeito do relaxamento muscular progressivo como intervenção de enfermagem na qualidade do sono, depressão e estresse em pessoas com esclerose múltipla(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-31) Novais, Paolla Gabrielle Nascimento; Batista, Karla de Melo; Castro, Denise Silveira de; Amorim, Maria Helena CostaIntroduction: Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, autoimmune disease, characterized by demyelination and neurodegeneration of the central nervous system. The progressive course of this disease may cause individuals to develop extreme dependency and create serious difficulties both to the individuals themselves and family members and caregivers, since the disease brings a number of physical, emotional, psychological and social symptoms. Therefore, it is essential to offer healthcare practices that go beyond the usually fragmenting, dehumanized care services that focus on the disease bodily processes. Objective: Evaluate the effects of Progressive Muscle Relaxation on sleep quality and on stress and depression levels of individuals with multiple sclerosis.
- ItemEfeitos da auriculoterapia nos níveis de ansiedade e nos sinais e sintomas de estresse e depressão em gestantes atendidas em pré-natal de baixo risco(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-12-20) Silva, Hercules Luz da; Almeida, Márcia Valéria de Souza; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Leite, Franciéle Marabotti Costa; Luciano, Luzimar dos SantosObjectives: To evaluate the effects of auriculotherapy on the levels of anxiety, stress and signs and symptoms of depression in low-risk prenatal pregnant women with sociodemographic, clinical-obstetric variables; Elaborate an educational technology in the form of a Comic Book: Auriculotherapy in Prenatal; Elaborate an educational technology in the form of a Folder: Auriculotherapy or Auricular Acupuncture. Method: A randomized controlled clinical study with a sample of 50 pregnant women, divided into control and experimental groups, attended at a low risk prenatal outpatient clinic. To collect the data, we used the interview technique with form registration, Trait-State of Anxiety Inventory (IDATE), List of Signs and Symptoms of Stress (LSS / VAS) and Edinburgh's Puerperal Depression Scale (EPDS). The variables were tested using chi-square and Fisher's exact test. The comparison between groups of anxiety, stress and depression levels was performed using Student's t-test for independent and paired samples.
- ItemEfeitos da intervenção da enfermagem-relaxamento nos níveis de ansiedade e de depressão em gestantes de alto risco(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-10-29) Araújo, Wanda Scherrer; Romero, Walckiria Garcia; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Souza, Ivis Emília de Oliveira; Zandonade, ElianaHigh-risk pregnancy is that in which the pregnant's and/or fetus' health has higher chance to experience complications than the average in pregnancies. The whole context of the risk pregnancy and treatment may causes stress, bringing signs and prognostics as: apathy, depression, discouragement, dismay, emotional hypersensibility, anger, anxiety and irritability, and require more specialized technics of hospital care. Objective: To evaluate the effects of nursing interventionsrelaxation on anxiety levels and depression symptoms in pregnant women at high risk hospitalized. Methodology: This was a randomized clinical trial. The sample consisted of 25 pregnant women in the control group and 25 pregnant women in the experimental group that were hospitalized at the Hospital Universitario Cassiano Antonio de Moraes, Vitória-ES, with diagnosis of high-risk pregnancy at any gestational age, hospitalized for more than 24 hours. The technic of relaxation proposed by Benson and adapted by Amorim was applied. For data collection we used interview with record form, Inventory State-Trait Anxiety (STAI), Depression Scale Puerperal Edinburgh (EPDS). Blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate in the experimental group were measured before and after the intervention of NursingRelaxation. For statistical treatment of the data were used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS, version 20.0. Results: The statistical tests Mann-Whytney, Wilcoxon test and t-test, showed a significant decrease in levels of state anxiety in the experimental group (p=0.001), from medium to low anxiety, and significant decrease in the levels of depression in the experimental group (p=0.000) after relaxation practice. Conclusion: The nursing intervention-relaxation should be incorporated into daily practice nurse in the care of women in the pregnancy.
- ItemEstresse e dor musculoesquelética na equipe de enfermagem de unidade de tratamento intensivo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-11-16) Lopes, Soraia da Silva; Batista, Karla de Melo; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Luciano, Luzimar dos SantosIntroduction: Stress at work is experienced when its demands are greater than the personal coping and adapting resources that the worker has. In the stress reaction, the muscles are hypertonic, resulting in muscle tension, impacting on the worker's life condition and the quality of care provided. Objective: To assess stress and musculoskeletal pain in the Nursing staff that works at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Methodology: This is an explanatory and descriptive field study done with nursing workers at the ICU of a public hospital of the municipality of Linhares, ES. The data was collected through a questionnaire composed of: socio-demographic data, Stress at Work Scale, and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Results: The sample consisted of women (66.7%); With mean age of 35 years; Married (66.7%); Nursing technicians (74.1%); Who carry out leisure activities (70.4%); They practice physical activity (59.3%); Working day shift (40.7%); In 12-hour shifts (74.1%); With another employment relationship (66.7%); Not using medication (55.6%); Presenting moderate stress (56%) and chronic pain in the lumbar region (81.5%). Acute low back pain predominated among participants aged 30-39 years (p-value: 0.015). There was no correlation between stress, musculoskeletal pain and the sociodemographic characteristics studied. Conclusion: Stress and musculoskeletal pain are due to the nursing work process in the ICU. An educational technology was produced in the form of a primer as an alternative for the reduction of stress and musculoskeletal pain of the nursing team.
- ItemMortalidade por câncer de colo do útero no Espírito Santo : tendências temporais e papel da enfermagem(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-05-13) Calheiros, Juliana Oliosi; Zandonade, Eliana; Santos, Edson Theodoro dos; Amorim, Maria Helena CostaIntroduction: In Brazil, cervical cancer is the third most common malignancy among women and the fourth leading cause of cancer death in the female population in the world. Objectives: To describe the tendency of non-completion of the Mortality Information System (SIM), in a historical series from 2000 to 2012, and analyze the trend of mortality from cervical cancer of the uterus from 1980 to 2012. To develop Information Technology aimed at instructing women to the importance of the knowledge of risk factors, prevention and screening through Pap smear. Methodology: This is an analytical study based on secondary data on the SIM, as well as data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. For analysis of the completeness of the data entered in the SIM, we used the score proposed by Romero and Cunha and for the trend of mortality of the 1980-2012 series, the coefficient of mortality rate in two periods was calculated. Results: During the period of 2000-2012 there was a steady trend of incompleteness for the variables race / color and schooling in Espírito Santo. The marital status variable presents a growing trend of incompleteness in the state of ES and in the Southeast (p<0.001). The mortality trend analysis for the period 1980-2012 showed 3,618 deaths from cervical cancer in the state of Espirito Santo. It was observed that the mortality rate in the period 1980-1994 showed an increasing trend (p=0.006); and from 1995 to 2012 the trend was decreasing (p=0.001). Conclusion: It is sought, with the completion of studies based on the analysis of the quality of the data contained in the death certificate, to build an information system that can support consistent and reliable epidemiological data, leading to new research, implementation of public policies and more effective institutional planning by managers; programs directed to improve these indicators; and to be able to minimize the numbers of deaths through effective actions. One of the tools to reduce mortality from cervical cancer is women’s awareness through guidance on prevention, the knowledge of risk factors, the importance of screening for early detection, and breaking prejudices against fear, shame and cultural elements as hindering factors to achieve the recommended coverage. Based on the results of this study and the findings in the literature review, we plan to open an information communication channel about women's health as a means of socialization of knowledge, and its possible recognition by means of a website and a booklet, encouraging self-care, and seeking for prevention and health promotion.
- ItemO primeiro banho do recém-nascido : intervenção da enfermagem obstétrica no alojamento conjunto(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-09-14) Lima, Rosana Oliveira de; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Bringuente, Maria Edla de Oliveira; Nascimento, Luciana de Cassia Nunes; Leite, Franciéle Marabotti CostaThe first bath of the newborn constitutes a very important moment for the family, providing less pain stimulation, crying, improving the length and quality of sleep, and reducing the mother's anxiety levels. Objective: To evaluate the effects of the Nursing intervention-first bath in the behavioral parameters of the newborn; to evaluate the effecgts of the Nursing intervention-first bath of the newborn in the levels of anxiety of the mother; and to develop didactical material about the Nursing intervention-first bath of the newborn at the joint accomodation of the Maternity of the University Hospital Cassiano Antônio de Morais in Vitoria, ES. Method: This is a controlled randomized clinical trial with a sample of 33 newborn babies, randomized in control and intervention groups, hospitalized at a joint accommodation in a teaching hospital. The technique of interview with registry on a form, Trace-State Anxiety Inventory, and a questionnaire for the physical evaluation of the baby were used for data collection. Presence of crying, time of sleep after the newborn’s bath, and maternal anxiety were defined as dependent variables. The Nursing Intervention-First Bath was defined as an independent variable. The control variables related to the newborn were: pregnancy age; weight at birth; weight before the bath; weight loss; room temperature; water temperature; time of bath and time of body care. Those related to the mother: origin; age; place and education. Before the newborn’s intervention-first bath, the environment and the newborn were prepared. After that, the eight stages that compose the intervention-first bath were performed in the newborns of the intervention group. The control group received the bath according to the institution’s routine. SPSS-version 24 was used for statistical analysis. The characterization of data was done through observed frequency, percentage, central trend analysis and variability. Significance level of 5% was adopted, with a trust interval of 95%. Fisher’s exact test was used to assess the association between the newborn groups in regard to crying during bath, and time of sleep. Student T test was used for paired samples, and the average clinical data of the groups was compared. Results: Crying during the bath was perceived in 93.33% of the newborns in the control group, while in the intervention group that proportion was of 55.56%. 60.00% of the newborns in the control group slept 120 minutes, and 77.78% of those in the intervention group slept 180 minutes. Anxiety score beofre the intervention-first bath of the newborn (30.5; DP ± 7.0) was larger than the one after the intervention (27.3; DP ± 5.3). Conclusion: The Nursing intervention-first bath of the newborn showed significant data in the comparison between the control and intervention groups relating to crying, time of sleep, and in the mother's levels of anxiety. This practice should be incorporated to the activities of the nurse for the binomial at the joint accomodation. The study has enabled the production of an illustrative folder with the description of all stages of the first bath to facilitate the mother's internalization of this care.
- ItemPrevalência e fatores associados à violência doméstica : estudo em uma maternidade de alto risco(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-12-20) Fiorotti, Karina Fardin; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Leite, Franciéle Marabotti Costa; Primo, Cândida Caniçali; Moura, Maria Aparecida VasconcelosIntroduction: Domestic Violence is a phenomenon that persists in many places around the world, in a silent and trivialized way, and in genearl it has as the main perpetrator someone who is inside the social circle of the victims. This phenomenon may affect women in their several different life cicles. Objective: To describe the prevalence of the different domestic violence types between puerperal women in a high risk maternity; to examine the association of these occurences with the demographic, socio-economic and reproductive variables. Method: This is an epidemiological, analytical, observational study of the transversal type. The study included 302 women with at least 24 hours after birth, and who were hospitalized at the maternity of the University Hospital Cassiano Antonio Moraes in the monthe of June to September of 2016 were approached. The data was collected through an interview with registration on a form. A form for socio-economic, demographic and reproductive data, as well as the AAS - Abuse Assessment Screen, for the screening of domestic violence were used. Results: Among the interviewees, 43% of the puerperal women reported having experienced maltreatment situations throughout their lives, 7.6% were victims of physical violence in the 12 months prior to the interview, and 4.6% were in a physical violence situations during pregnancy. There was a statistical association even after regression between the interviewees' endpoint maltreatment throughout the life and the variables age, religion and number of pregnancies. In the same way, having experienced physical violence in the previous year, and physical violence during pregnancy were strongly associated to the marital status of the puerperal woman. Products: In regard to the products, the folder was elaborated with the instructions of the women concerning the types of violence and the support networks the maternity's data collection instrument with questions about domestic violence was broeadened. Conclusion: This study reasserts that violence constitutes an ever present phenomenon in the life of women, including during pregnancy, and it has shown an association to the victim's demographic and obstetric conditions. Besides that, it is understood that a strategy to face violence is the use of instruments on the part of the healthcare service, in order to allow for the identification of violence and hence promote a more qualified care to the victims, as well as the process of education about health needs to be a part of the professionals' activities, with instructions to the patients about the phenomenon of violence against women.
- ItemProposta educativa de enfermagem na síndrome de apneia e hipopneia obstrutiva do sono(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-07-16) Caniçali, Renato Alves; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Sipolatti, Walckiria Garcia Romero; Araújo, Maria Teresa Martins de; Castro, Denise Silveira deIntroduction: The obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent episodes of partial or total obstruction of the upper airway during sleep, despite continued respiratory efforts. Objectives: To describe the sociodemographic and clinical profile, assess gender differences and correlate body mass index (BMI) and apneas and hypopneas index (AHI) in patients with OSA. Methodology: Descriptive study carried out through consultation with records of OSA patients treated in a CPAP/BiPAP Program, in the Vitória’s Regional specialties center. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA one way to compare the means. After we used the Tukey test (post-hoc). The degree of correlation between variables was calculated using Pearson's correlation coefficient (r). The test Square, the Z test and Fisher's exact test were required to evaluate the relationship and the differences between the proportions of genres with the variables. To evaluate the relationship of cause and effect of variables with the genres, the simple logistic regression was used. Results: We found a predominance of OSA in men (63%), married (83.3%), aged between 51-60 years (30%), hypertension (59%), from the city of Vila Velha (24 %). The mean AHI and BMI in men and women was 48.3 ± 12.1 versus 44.97 ± 10 events / hour and 31.7 ± 5.7 versus 32.97 ± 5.9 kg / m², respectively. Women with OSA in the above 41 groups are at increased risk for OSA than men when comparing the range 21-40 years. In addition, women with grade III obesity have 4.3 times more risk to have OSA than those of normal weight. There was strong correlation between BMI and AHI in men (r=0.71) and moderate correlation in women (r=0.67). Conclusion: Patients treated at the program CPAP/BiPAP, mostly, have a similar profile to the global carrier OSAS population: predominantly men aged 51 and 60, hypertensive and with increased BMI. We also note that BMI is an important risk factor for worsening of OSA, especially in males.
- ItemProtocolo de atendimento para pacientes em tratamento quimioterápico(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-11-26) Fonseca, Vivian Moro; Leite, Franciéle Marabotti Costa; Ramos, Maria Cristina; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Garcia, Telma RibeiroIntroduction: an antineoplastic chemotherapy has become one of de most important and a promising way to combat the cancer however can cause several adverse effects. The knowledge of these effects subsidizes tools for planning nursing care to the patient’s necessity and can help on the control of symptoms. Objective: to draw up a treatment protocol to the person undergoing chemotherapy in order to adverse effects of medication; to elaborate affirmative of nursing diagnosis based on adverse effects and developing interventions for patients who undergo chemotherapy. Methodology: an exploratory-descriptive study. A literature review was conducted to identify adverse effects related to chemotherapy. On the basis of adverse effects identified were chosen focus axis in terms of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP® ) version 2011. The chosen terms guided the construction of affirmative nursing diagnosis and the development of interventions. Those were based on the Supportive-educative System Theory of Dorothea Orem. Results: 20 adverse events in chemotherapy have been indentified by reviewing the literature and the most common being: oral mucositis, infections, nausea, bleeding, vomiting, neutropenia and alopecia respectively. Based on 20 adverse effects identified were chosen 25 terms from focus axis in ICNP® that were the basis for the construction of 99 statements of nursing diagnoses/results and 175 interventions for those patients. Conclusion: the application of the nursing process facilitates the development of a care plan and systematize nursing care. The nursing diagnoses built and their respect interventions favors an improved assessment and the care for patients undergoing chemotherapy. The interventions based on educational process can be tools for patients and family become subjects of care with actions aimed at facing with problems resulted from the treatment.
- ItemTecnologias educacionais para incentivo ao autocuidado de pacientes em pré-operatório de revascularização miocárdia(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-03-16) Diniz, Julia da Silva Papi; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Bringuente, Maria Edla de Oliveira; Teixeira, Elizabeth; Batista, Karla de Meloabstract
- ItemUma tecnologia educacional sobre o uso do relaxamento para gestantes de alto risco(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-11-04) Lessa, Rosimere de Carvalho; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa; Bringuente, Maria Edla de Oliveira; Primo, Cândida Caniçali; Rohr, Roseane VargasObjective: To build an educational technology in the form of a coloring primer, on the relaxation technique for high-risk pregnant women and describe the application process and validation of educational technology in the form of primer in high-risk pregnant women admitted in a school maternity. Methodology: This is a descriptive study of quantitative and qualitative nature, performed in the maternity of a teaching hospital, along with 25 high-risk pregnancies. The research was conducted in three stages. The first related to the Educational Technology building process, had different moments: 1) literature review and sensitive listening to high-risk pregnant women looking to apply the relaxation technique, according to Benson, to the reality of pregnant women, using as data collection tool the field journal; 2) the structure of the object image (the pregnant performing all the steps of relaxation exercises), built up the basic elements for the elaboration of the drawings. The second stage consisted of the implementation of educational technology with pregnant women, using a sensitivity and creativity workshop. And the third is related to the technology validation by study participants. It was used in quantitative data collection instruments: structured interview; measurement of Trait Anxiety and State Anxiety (IDATE). For qualitative data, field journaling, planning the sensitivity and creativity workshop with every step. In the quantitative analysis, it was used the statistical software IBM SPSS version 21, and the content analysis according to Bardin, for qualitative data. Results: average numbers shows young age and low education levels; with first sexual intercourse and first pregnancy with an average of 17 years old. During hospitalization subjects showed fear of death and baby loss and high levels of anxiety. There was a decrease in levels of anxiety and stress of the study population, by achieving the relaxation exercises five times a day, for 48 hours. The Educational Technology applied at three different times reduces the level of anxiety, with p values <0.001, corroborating with quantitative and qualitative analysis evaluated by study participants. Conclusions: Educational Technology in the form of coloring primer in relaxation technique presented itself as an effective tool in reducing anxiety and stress levels in high-risk pregnant women. Validation of Educational Technology, both quantitative and qualitative data evaluated by participants corroborated the evidence of its effectiveness.
- ItemViolência contra a mulher ao longo da vida : estudo entre usuárias da atenção primária(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-12-20) Santos, Ione Barbosa dos; Leite, Franciéle Marabotti Costa; Maciel, Paulete Maria Ambrosio; Amorim, Maria Helena Costaabstract