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Navegando Doutorado em Ciência da Computação por Autor "Almeida, João Paulo Andrade"
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- ItemA commitment-based reference ontology for service: harmonizing service perspectives(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2014-12-10) Nardi, Julio Cesar; Almeida, João Paulo Andrade; Falbo, Ricardo de Almeida; Pires, Luiz Ferreira; Amorim, Fernanda Araújo Baião; Guizzardi, Renata Silva Souza; Barcellos, Monalessa PeriniNowadays, the notion of service has been widely adopted in the practice of economic sectors (e.g., Service, Manufacturing, and Extractive sectors), as well as, in the research focus of various disciplines (e.g., Marketing, Business, and Computer Science). Due to that, a number of research initiatives (e.g., service ontologies, conceptual models, and theories) have tried to understand and characterize the complex notion of service. However, due to particular views of these disciplines and economic sectors, a number of different characterizations of service (e.g., “service as interaction”, “service as value co-creation”, and “service as capability / manifestation of competence”, among others) have been proposed. The existence of these various non-harmonized characterizations, and the focus on a terminological debate about the “service” concept, instead of about the service phenomena from a broad perspective, make the establishment of a unified body of knowledge for service difficult. This limitation impacts, e.g., the establishment of unified conceptualization for supporting the smooth alignment between Business and IT views in service-oriented enterprise architecture (SoEA), and the design and usage of service modeling languages. In this thesis we define a theoretical foundation for service based on the notion of service commitment and claims as basic elements in the characterization of service relations along service life cycle phases (service offer, service negotiation, and service delivery). As discussed in this work, this theoretical foundation is capable of harmonizing a number of service perspectives found in the literature. Such theoretical foundation is specified in a well-founded core reference ontology, named UFO-S, which was designed by adopting a sound ontological engineering apparatus (mainly, a wellfounded ontology representation language, OntoUML, and approaches of model verification and model validation). As a kind of “theory”, UFO-S was applied in the analysis of SoEA structuring principles in order to define a “commitment-based SoEA view”, which remarks social aspects inherent in service relations usually underexplored in widely adopted service-oriented approaches (such as SOA-RM by OASIS, ITIL, and ArchiMate). Based on this, UFO-S was also applied in an ontological analysis of service modeling at ArchiMate’s Business layer. Such ontological analysis showed some limitations concerned to semantic ambiguity and lack of expressiveness for representing service offerings (and type thereof) and service agreements in SoEA. In order to address these limitations, three service modeling patterns (service offering type pattern, service offering pattern, and service agreement pattern) were proposed taking as basis UFO-S. The usefulness of these patterns for addressing these limitations was evidentiated by means of an empirical evaluation. Finally, we can say that, beyond offering a broad and well-founded theoretical foundation for service able to harmonize service perspectives, UFO-S presented benefits as a reference model in the analysis of SoEA structuring principles, and in the (re)design of service modeling languages.
- ItemA formal analysis of Identity and Sortality in the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO)(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-04-20) Nicola, João Rafael Moraes; Guizzardi, Giancarlo;;;;; Almeida, João Paulo Andrade;; Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) is a conceptual framework grounded on principles derived from Ontology discipline of Philosophy, with applications in the field of Software Engineering, specially in Conceptual Modeling, as the semantic reference for the OntoUML modeling language. Among the concepts described in the UFO fragment of endurants (UFO-A), the concept of sortality plays a central role in the classification of UFO substantial universals. However, this concept, and the related concepts of identity and individuality currently lack a systematic formal characterization, hindering their application in the analysis of substantial universals. This research enriches the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) literature with a formal specification for a fragment of UFO-A that allows the characterization of these concepts. This specification is presented in Isabelle/HOL, a logical formalism that allows a machine-assisted verification. We construct a formal framework, based on this specification and on categoric-theoretic concepts through which we propose formal definitions for the concepts of individuality and identity, and, from these definitions, we propose a formal characterization of the concept of sortality. Illustrations and the application of the proposed definitions on the domain of conceptual modeling are also presented.
- ItemAn ontology-based process for domain-specific visual language design(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-08-17) Teixeira, Maria das Graças da Silva; Falbo, Ricardo de Almeida; Gailly, Frederik; Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Almeida, João Paulo Andrade; Campos, Maria Luiza Machado; Poels, Geert; Looy, Amy VanIn het domein van de conceptuele modellering wordt er steeds meer aandacht besteed aan visuele domeinspecifieke modelleertalen en hoe deze talen ondersteuning kunnen bieden bij het representeren van een bepaald domein voor verschillenden belanghebbenden. Bijgevolg is er een absolute noodzaak aan richtlijnen die men kan volgen bij het ontwikkelen van deze domeinspecifieke modelleertalen. Bestaand onderzoek voorziet een aantal richtlijnen maar deze focussen meestal op de abstracte syntax van deze talen en niet op de visuele aspecten (concrete syntax) van deze talen. Er is nochtans een absolute noodzaak aan richtlijnen specifiek voor de ontwikkeleng van de concrete syntax want deze heeft een significante impact op de efficiëntie van de communicatie en probleemoplossende eigenschappen van de met deze talen ontwikkelde conceptuele modellen. De meest gebruikte theorie voor de evaluatie van de concrete syntax van een visuele modelleertaal is de Physics of Notations(PoN). PoN definieert een verzameling principes die men kan gebruiken voor de analyse en ontwerp van een cognitief effectieve visuele notatie voor een modelleertaal. PoN heeft echt ook een aantal tekortkomingen: i) het bevat geen methode die aangeeft hoe de principes moeten gebruikt worden en ii) het helpt niet bij het ontwikkelen van symbolen die overeenstemmen met het domein. In dit PhD project wordt de Physics of Notations Systematized (PoN-S) ontwikkeld en voorgesteld als een oplossing voor de eerste tekortkoming van PoN. PoN-S voorziet een sequentiële set van activiteiten en geeft voor elke activiteit aan welk principe moet worden gebruikt. Bovendien voorziet het ook een groepering voor de verschillende principes die de gebruiker moet helpen bij het gebruik. De tweede tekortkoming wordt in dit PhD project opgelost door gebruik te maken van foundational ontologies. Foundational ontologies worden gebruikt voor het verbeteren van de kwaliteit van zowel de abstracte syntax van een modelleertaal als ook voor het rechtstreeks verbeteren van het conceptueel model. In dit doctoraat wordt het onderzoek van Guizzardi (2013) en meer specifiek het onderzoek rond UFO gebaseerde ontologische richtlijnen gecombineerd met de eerder ontwikkelde verbetering van PoN. Dit resulteert in de Physics of Notations Ontologized and Systematized (PoNTO-S), een systematisch ontwikkelingsproces voor de concrete syntax van visuele modelleertalen waarbij ook rekening wordt gehouden met de ontologische betekenis van de abstracte syntax. Het onderzoek dat uitgevoerd werd in het kader van dit PhD project stemt overeen met een Design Science project met verschillende iteraties die resulteren in verschillende Design Science artefacten die ook werden geëvalueerd. Na de ontwikkeling van PoN-S en PoNTO-S werd er één labo experiment uitgevoerd en werden de artefacten ook deels geëvalueerd door gebruik te maken van twee case studies. Deze studies tonen aan dat PoN-D en PonTO-S nuttig zijn tijdens de ontwikkeling van visuele domeinspecifeke modelleertalen.
- ItemFoundations for multi-level ontology-based conceptual modeling(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-12-16) Carvalho, Victorio Albani de; Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Almeida, João Paulo Andrade; Falbo, Ricardo de Almeida; Souza, Vitor Estêvão Silva; Atkinson, Colin; Parreiras, Fernando SilvaConsidering that conceptual models are produced with the aim of representing certain aspects of the physical and social world according to a specific conceptualization and that ontologies aim at describing conceptualizations, there has been growing interest in the use of ontologies to provide a sound theoretical basis for the discipline of conceptual modeling. This has given rise to a research area called ontology-based conceptual modeling, with significant advances to conceptual modeling in the last decades. Despite these advances, ontology-based conceptual modeling still lacks proper support to address subject domains that require not only the representation of categories of individuals but also the representation of categories of categories (or types of types). The representation of entities of multiple (related) classification “levels” has been the focus of a separate research area under the banner of multi-level modeling, aiming to address the limitations of the conventional two-level modeling paradigm. Despite the relevant contributions of multi-level modeling and ontology-based conceptual modeling, their combination has not yet received due attention. This work explores this gap by proposing the use of formal theories for multi-level modeling in combination with foundational ontologies to support what we call multi-level ontology-based conceptual modeling. To provide a well-founded approach to multi-level conceptual modeling, we develop a theory called MLT that formally characterizes the nature of classification levels and precisely defines the relations that may occur between elements of different classification levels. In order to leverage the benefits of the use of a foundational ontology to domains dealing with multiple classification levels, we combine the proposed multilevel modeling theory with a foundational ontology. This combination results in a hierarchical modeling approach that supports the construction of multi-level conceptual models in a spectrum of levels of specificity, from foundational ontologies to domain models. To demonstrate the applicability of our multi-level ontology-based conceptual modeling approach, we employ it to develop a core ontology for organizational structure, a domain that spans multiple classification levels. Further, we show how MLT can be used as a reference theory to clarify the semantics and enhance the expressiveness of UML with respect to the representation of multi-level models. The resulting UML profile enables the practical application of MLT.
- ItemOntology-based complexity management in conceptual modeling(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-09-16) Figueiredo, Guylerme Velasco de Souza; Guizzardi, Giancarlo;;;; Almeida, João Paulo Andrade;; Campos, Maria Luiza Machado; Barcellos, Monalessa Perini;; Fonseca, Claudenir MoraisReference conceptual models are used to capture complex and critical domain information. However, as the complexity of a domain grows, so does the size and complexity of the model that represents it. Over the years, different complexity management techniques in large-scale conceptual models have been developed to extract value from models that, due to their size, are challenging to understand. These techniques, however, run into some limitations, such as the possibility of execution without human interaction, semantic cohesion of modules/views generated from the model, and generating an abstracted version of the model so that it can present the essential elements of the domain, among others. This thesis proposes two algorithms to facilitate the understanding of large-scale conceptual models by tackling the problem from two different angles. The first consists in extracting smaller self-contained modules from the original model. The second consists in abstracting the original model, thereby providing a summarized view of the main elements and how they relate to each other in the domain. Both algorithms we propose in this thesis require no input from modelers, are deterministic, and computationally inexpensive. To evaluate the abstraction algorithm for conceptual models, we carried out an empirical research aimed at a comparative analysis taking into account other competing approaches.
- ItemUFO-L: uma ontologia núcleo de aspectos jurídicos construída sob a perspectiva das relações jurídicas(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-06) Beccalli, Cristine Leonor Pereira Griffo; Almeida, João Paulo Andrade; Guizzardi, Giancarlo; Guizzardi, Renata Silva Souza; Lima, João Alberto de Oliveira; Brasil Júnior, Samuel Meira; Rover, Aires José; Freitas, Frederico Luiz Gonçalves deIn the past decades, Law has turned to Computation in search of solutions for the representation of legal domain, for storage of large volumes of information and for retrieval of this information to generate knowledge to support decision-making. Among the several solutions proposed for representation of legal domain, we highlight legal ontologies, which propose the representation of a shared conceptualization of legal concepts and their relations. Those legal ontologies that represent generic legal concepts that can be used and reused in the construction of other ontologies or in legal modeling languages are called Legal Core Ontologies (LCOs). The approach of most LCOs is focused on legal norms. However, in this research, we opted for a different approach, namely, on basing the construction of our Legal Core Ontology on legal relations. Although both approaches bring benefits, the advantage of the latter is the possibility of making explicit of concepts and relations that are not evidenced in the former. In particular, the perspective of legal relations as a relation between agents who play legal roles and are in legal positions. In this context, the problem to be addressed lies in the gap between Computation and Law, i.e. in the problem of conceptual modeling applied to carving legal reality and how it is represented. The theoretical basis of this thesis is composed of two theories: Robert Alexy's Theory of Constitutional Rights and the Theory of Ontological Foundations for Structural Conceptual Models proposed by Giancarlo Guizzardi. The result of this investigation is an artifact called UFO-L and its catalog of modeling patterns, applied in ontological analyzes, in the modeling of legal domains and in the construction of visual nodelling languages for legal domain.