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Navegando Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem por Assunto "Acidentes por Quedas"
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- ItemTECNOLOGIAS ASSISTENCIAIS DE ENFERMAGEM NA PREVENÇÃO DE QUEDAS E LESÃO POR PRESSÃO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2022-12-01) Moitinho, Catrine Storch; Sipolatti, Walckiria Garcia Romero;;;;; Primo, Candida Canicali;;; Freitas, Paula de Souza Silva;;; Lucena, Amália de Fátima;; Introduction: Nursing plays a key role in preventing falls and pressure injuries in health institutions, especially when standardized language systems are used; as they are important tools that organize the work process and support the clinical judgment of the nurse, directing accurate nursing diagnoses and effective nursing interventions. Thus, this research was developed to meet a demand from the hospital institution that seeks improvements in patient care at risk of falls and pressure injuries, corresponding to the line of research: “Nursing care in the process of human development”. Objectives: To develop assistive technologies for nursing practice in the prevention of falls and pressure injuries in hospitalized adult patients. Method: This is a methodological research, divided into three stages: the first stage consisted of an integrative literature review and cross mapping, which was carried out between the risk factors evidenced in the review, and the NANDA nursing diagnoses -International and Nursing Interventions Classification interventions and activities; the second stage was the appreciation of the content of the assistive technologies produced in the previous stage by a focus group; the third step was to carry out pilot training workshops for the prevention of falls and pressure injuries for nursing professionals. Results: In the literature, 249 risk factors for falls were found that were mapped with the diagnosis “Risk of falls in Adults” and 125 nursing activities, distributed in 16 interventions. We found 227 risk factors for pressure injuries mapped with the diagnosis “Risk for pressure injuries in adults” and 142 nursing activities in 17 interventions. After crossmapping, the first version of the Guides for Fall Prevention and Pressure Injury Prevention was elaborated, which were discussed and evaluated by seven nurses with experience in using the classifications. Subsequently, training workshops were held with the participation of 144 technicians and nurses A Nursing Care Guide for the Prevention of Falls, a Nursing Care Guide for the Prevention of Pressure Injuries and a Structured Training Instrument for the Prevention of Falls and Pressure Injuries were prepared, based on which Pilot Training Workshops were carried out for Fall Prevention and Pilot Training Workshops for Pressure Injury Prevention for nursing professionals. Conclusion: This research led to the development of assistive technologies to prevent pressure injuries and falls. These technologies can be applied at local, regional and national levels, since this study systematically describes the stages for the development of Assistance Guides composed of standardized language systems. The Guides are relevant for the scientific development of Nursing, as they can contribute to the clinical judgment of nurses by associating the risks of falls and pressure injuries with nursing diagnoses and interventions, enabling the performance of nursing activities with a scientific basis and, consequently, help reduce the occurrence of these incidents. The Guides will be delivered to the institution and made available in electronic and printed format and implemented in the hospital sectors.