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Navegando Mestrado Profissional em Enfermagem por Assunto "Amamentação"
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- ItemAvaliação do diagnóstico de enfermagem : amamentação ineficaz(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-04-10) Alvarenga, Sandra Cristina de; Primo, Cândida Caniçali; Castro, Denise Silveira de; Brandão, Marcos Antônio Gomes; Leite, Franciele Marabotti Costa; Zandonade, ElianaThis study has the aim of describing the characteristics that define the Nursing diagnosis “ineffective breastfeeding” and the factors related to it; to examine the association between the socio-demographic, clinical and obstetric profile of the recently given birth mothers with the diagnosis in study. This is a descriptive study of the transversal type. The study was developed at the Maternity of a University Hospital. Seventy-three mother-baby binomials were hospitalized in the joint accommodation system, in the period from July to August, 2014. For data collection, an instrument was developed based on the defining characteristics of the “ineffective breastfeeding” diagnosis, and the factors related to it, and also patient's sociodemographic, clinical and obstetric data. The data was analyzed by the statistics package SPSS version 19.0 for Windows®. Results: The inefficient breastfeeding diagnosis was present in 58.9% of the binomials. The recently given birth mothers were 27 years old in mean, didn't have a partner (63%), had more than eight years of schooling (71,2%), were employed (52,1%), did pre-natal visits (97,3%), and were multiparous (64,4%). As for the newborns, 58,9% were female, to term (90,4%), didn't breastfeed in the first hour after birth (87,7%). The mother's schooling was the only socio-demographic variable that had a meaningful association to the “ineffective breastfeeding” diagnosis. The defining characteristics with meaningful association to the “ineffective breastfeeding” diagnosis were: breast suction discontinuity; insufficient breast emptying; perceived inadequate milk supply; breast feeder resistance in apprehending the areola-nipple region with the mouth; absence of observable signs of ocitocin liberation; and breast feeder cries when put on breast. The related factors were: unsatisfactory suction reflex of the breast feeder, and mother anxiety. Conclusion: The study is relevant for the improvement of the components of the “ineffective breastfeeding” diagnosis, as helping Nurses in the clinical practice, hence it will contribute to the planning of Nursing actions at the joint accommodation, and for the mother-son binomial, and also in partially reducing the gap that presently exists in the literature about Nursing diagnosis on breastfeeding
- ItemProtocolo para aleitamento materno do recém-nascido prematuro e de baixo peso(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2023-08-24) Cunha, Camila Medeiros Cruvinel; Lima, Eliane de Fátima Almeida;;; Primo, Cândida Caniçali;;;;; Galvão, Dulce Maria Pereira Garcia ;; Pontes, Mônica Barros de;;; Fonseca, Luciana Mara Monti;;; Almeida, Márcia Valéria de Souza;; establishment and maintenance of breastfeeding in premature and low birth weight newborns are complex, presenting greater challenges than in full-term and healthy newborns, as the breastfeeding process can be interrupted indefinitely. This project aims to address an institutional demand for improvements in breastfeeding assistance for premature infants and is aligned with the research line of organization and evaluation of healthcare systems. Overall Objective: To contribute to the improvement of the quality of breastfeeding management in premature and low birth weight newborns. Specific Objectives: Determine the current compliance with best practice recommendations; Identify barriers and facilitators to improve compliance with best practice recommendations; Implement strategies to address areas of non-compliance; Evaluate changes in compliance with evidence-based practice recommendations after the implementation of strategies. Methodology: Participatory research that used the implementation science framework and the JBI's audit and feedback tools named PACES and GRiP. The study was conducted in a university hospital in southeastern Brazil, with the participation of the multidisciplinary team and managers. The study was organized following the steps: situational diagnosis; protocol development; training; protocol implementation; monitoring and protocol review. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and content analysis. Results: Seven audit criteria were listed based on national and international guidelines, WHO and Ministry of Health manuals, and JBI Summaries. These criteria were assessed for compliance with evidence-based best practices. In the baseline audit, three of these criteria were found to be compliant, while the other four were non-compliant. Based on the situational diagnosis and baseline audit, barriers were identified, and eleven strategies were developed with the resources described for their execution. After the training, all the audited criteria showed compliance in the first follow-up audit, and five out of the seven audited criteria were compliant in the second follow-up audit. Products: Protocol for breastfeeding premature and low birth weight newborns. Flowcharts, process mappings, and infographics to guide staff work and parents' involvement in this process. Multidisciplinary and intersectoral training. Final Considerations: This project achieved the goal of improving evidence-based practice among the multidisciplinary team and enabled the development and implementation of the institution's first protocol for breastfeeding assistance to premature and low birth weight newborns, facilitated by the implementation of multifaceted strategies targeted at the identified barriers. The protocol and products are already implemented and generating positive impacts in the institution. This research has the potential to be applied at the regional and national levels as it systematically describes an innovative method with the necessary steps and resources for the implementation of the best scientific evidence. The research influenced changes in practice, but the maintenance of evidence-based care and adherence to the protocol require ongoing education for the neonatal team and other involved sectors to achieve better results.
- ItemTradução do conhecimento em amamentação : protocolo para prática clínica no alojamento conjunto(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-10-30) Salgueiro, Michele Anne de Oliveira Batista; Freitas, Paula de Souza Silva ;;; Primo, Cândida Caniçali ;;;;; Lima, Eliane de Fátima Almeida ;;; Galvão, Dulce Maria Pereira Garcia;;; Almeida, Márcia Valéria de Souza;;; Paula, Cristiane Cardoso de ;; Breastfeeding is a complex, dynamic, and interactive process that depends on several factors that can influence it positively or negatively. This project aims to meet an institutional demand for improvements in breastfeeding care for newborns in rooming-in facilities, and is aligned with the research line on the organization and evaluation of health care systems. Objectives: To describe the knowledge and care practices of health professionals on breastfeeding. To develop a multidisciplinary protocol on breastfeeding. To implement the multidisciplinary care protocol on breastfeeding in the maternity ward. To evaluate changes in compliance with recommendations for evidence-based practices after the implementation of the protocol. Methodology: Participatory research, which used the Knowledge to Action Cycle model to implement a Knowledge Translation project. The study was carried out in a university hospital in Espírito Santo, Brazil, with the participation of the interprofessional team of the rooming-in facility and milk bank. In the knowledge cycle, the existing knowledge was assessed using the self-assessment questionnaire of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI); To develop the knowledge tool, a working group was formed with the interprofessional team, and the clinical protocol was developed based on the synthesis of knowledge. In the action cycle, theoretical and practical training was carried out; the protocol was implemented; the barriers and facilitators of the implementation process were assessed; and the impact was assessed through 3 strategies: 1) assessment of care indicators; 2) assessment of the knowledge and skills of health professionals; and 3) self-assessment as recommended in the IHAC self-assessment questionnaire; maintenance of the use of knowledge will be done through continuing education actions and events in Golden August. To analyze the qualitative data, the recordings of the groups were transcribed using an online tool, read exhaustively, and submitted to categorical content analysis. Results: Products: Protocol for breastfeeding premature and low-weight newborns. Flowcharts, process maps, and infographics to guide the work of employees and the role of parents in this process. Multidisciplinary and intersectoral training. Final considerations: This project achieved the objective of improving the evidence-based practice of the multidisciplinary team and enabled the development and implementation of the first protocol for breastfeeding care for newborns cared for in the institution's shared accommodation. The protocol and products have already been implemented and are generating positive impacts in the institution. This research has the potential to be applied at regional and national levels, as it systematically describes an innovative method with the steps and resources necessary for the implementation of the best scientific evidence. The research influenced changes in practice, but maintaining evidence-based care recommended in the protocol requires ongoing education of the neonatal team and other sectors involved to assist in adherence and better results