Análise de fatores sociais, políticos, econômicos e culturais na adoção das normas internacionais de contabilidade pública pelos países

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Callegario, Juliana Batista
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study investigates which cultural, social, political and economic factors influence the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards Applied to the Public Sector (International Public Sector Accounting Standards - IPSAS) by countries. Based on information provided by IFAC (2007) and Deloitte (2013) the different positions were analyzed and segregated taken by countries such as adoption of IPSAS completely; signaling intent to adopt; Partial adoption on a cash basis (Cash Basis) IPSAS; and adoption of the accrual basis based on IPSAS. The factors were raised GDP per capita; number of inhabitants; non-adoption of IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) by the countries; perception index of corruption; origin of the legal system; and cultural dimensions of Hofstede (2015), collected between 1995 and 2013 for 214 countries, initially. The methodological approach is applied logistic regression model (logit) based on Clements, Neill and Stovall (2010), adapted for panel data with random effects. The results indicate that countries that intend to adopt IPSAS can be explained by the positive variation of the variables GDP per capita, number of inhabitants, the origin of Anglo-Saxon legal system, socialist and French, and the negative variation of cultural variables: individualism and indulgence. In another test conducted, it was found that countries that have partially adopted the IPSAS, applying the accrual basis can be explained by the positive variation of the variables GDP per capita, number of inhabitants and the individualistic culture of a company; and the negative variation of the variables of the Corruption Perceptions Index, Scandinavian legal system of origin and cultural variables: masculinity and long-term orientation. As a complement, logistic regression that uni any interest in IPSAS showed that socialist countries of origin and cultures with little social inequality, less uncertainty avoidance and pragmatic few can justify such a choice. There was also a positive relationship with the number of inhabitants and GDP per capita, which suggests that more populated and developed countries tend to adopt IPSAS. The other tested logistic regressions did not allow statistical inference. Still, in any regression tested, there was evidence of dependency between the IFRS not allowed by the countries with the non-adoption of IPSAS.
Fatores , IPSAS , Países , Adoção , Contabilidade pública - Normas - Aspectos sociais , Contabilidade pública - Normas - Aspectos políticos