No cotidiano da inovação e a inovação no cotidiano da prática pedagógica em educação física

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Silva, Mauro Sérgio da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This essay aims to understand how a pedagogical practice is built which seeks to break with the tradition of Physical Education with the means of the reconstruction of the school culture of this teaching subject. Besides, it searches to provide to this experience a greater visibility about the possibilities built for the Physical Education classes. It discusses a case study of ethnographic nature, done with a teacher of the Education Municipal System of Vitória-ES who seeks to reconstruct the school culture of Physical Education. Some instruments of data collection were used, such as: field diary, interviews, dialogue records, photographies and videos. The pedagogical practice presented and discussed in this research is characterized by the preoccupation in democratizing the knowledge dealt with in the Physical Education classes, providing through the learning-teaching process, the enlargement of the heritage of the students concerning the study themes of the movement body culture. The teacher seeks to build a change in meaning of doing Physical Education, being mentioned the dimensions of knowing-how to do, knowing-about-the-how to do and to know-how-to relate. It also focuses the teacher‟s creativity in facing the resistances and conflicts arisen by such practice. We noticed that the search for professional recognition and a loving relation, constituted references for the development of the learnings in a contextualized and coherent manner with the school reality. The Physical Education class in the investigated practice constitutes itself in a social meeting when sensations and positive and/or negative feelings are lived and generate conflicts, such conflicts are mediated by the tender and respectful relation between both students and teacher. We used Honneth‟s recognition theory (2003) as an alternative for an analysis of issues emerged from the practice. We aim with this research to provide a greater visibility to the practices built in a school context favorable to the sharing of ideas, in which the critical and collaborative dialogue arouses new possibilities for the practices can be thought and improved from the collective reflection.
Physical education , Pedagogical practice , Pedagogical innovation , Inovação pedagógica , Prática pedagógica