Jogos dos povos indígenas e rituais : diálogo entre tradição e modernidade

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Saneto, Juliana Guimarães
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The aim of this study was to analyze and understand the rituals in the context of the Games of Indigenous/Aboriginal Peoples, considering the existence of ambivalent relationship between tradition and modernity. To this end, it was delimited the dance as a ritual expression during the event. The research, described as descriptiveinterpretative, was guided by qualitative approach. At first it was on a literature review and after we went into the field to collect data, what happened through guided interviews with the event participants indigenous and consolidated by the observation and recording of images during the XI edition of the Games of Indigenous Peoples. In this sense, the data collected were subjected to interpretative analysis, which the isolated person is not taken as the subject, but the outward expression of its manifestations in social reality where is inserted its subjective and symbolic interaction. This study proposes: have a look at the aboriginal rituals presented in the games and on the people that manifested them and that give them meaning. The analysis of ritualized expressions during the Games of Indigenous Peoples, led to confirmation that the dances presented as rituals are actually clippings large festivals ritualistic celebrated in the villages. During the presentation of these expressions, in the event, new meanings and senses are assigned by the Indians, however, this does not imply a loss in relation to traditional references symbolic that guide your speech and manifestations. The ritualized expressions in the Games happen spontaneously in two situations: in and out of programmatic schedule of event activities. The dances, comprehended as ritualized expressions, are presented in a performative, with an aesthetic concern. These elements indicate that there is a entertainment in these expressions during the Games which, although organized by way of modernity, they constitute a setting for aboriginal traditions.
Rituals , Modernity , Indigenous/aboriginal dance