Potenciais relacionados a eventos auditivos em crianças portadoras de TDAH forma mista e suas mudanças após tratamento com metilfenidato

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Oliveira, Giselle Alves de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This was an open-study that followed 22 children with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) combined with or without Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) as comorbidity in the pediatric service of the University Hospital Cassiano Antônio de Moraes / Health Sciences Center / Federal University of Espirito Santo for 03 and 06 months of treatment with immediatereleased methylphenidate (average dose of 0.5 mg / kg / day). ADHD children were examined by event-related potential (ERP) with auditory oddball task with 03 stimuli before and after medication. Only 13 ADHD children were evaluated after 06 months of treatment, while the whole group was examined after 03 months of medication. When compared to matched controls for age, sex and schooling, the ADHD group had a worse performance (reaction time, hits and errors by default) in the sustained attention task with significant improvement observed after 03 months of medication that increased after 06 months of treatment. The mean amplitude of N2 “distractor” and P3 “standard” for ADHD group was larger before treatment compared to control group. These amplitudes significantly decreased after 03 and 06 months of methylphenidate. We concluded that the perceptual processing of relevant stimuli is overcome by the processing of distracting stimuli that is not relevant to the task in ADHD children before treatment, with a tendency to allocate more attention to the new stimuli. After 03 to 06 months of treatment, there was an improvement of performance and electrophysiological patterns and we could confirm the optimal effect of medication on attencional deficits in the ADHD group.
Transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade , Potencial relacionado a eventos , Metilfenidato , Atenção sustentada , Tarefa oddball auditiva , Estímulo distrator