Doença pulmonar por micobactérias não-tuberculosas : vinte e cinco anos de experiência no Espírito Santo, Brasil

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Miossi, Rubia
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Diseases caused by Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) are on the rise. This retrospective and observational study analyzed 111 cases of NTM Pulmonary Disease treated at HUCAM-UFES between June 1998 and September 2023. The study revealed a significant increase in cases from 2017 onwards, with 50% of cases occurring after this period. The average age of patients was 60 years, with no gender predominance, and most had comorbidities (70.3%). Productive cough and weight loss were common symptoms, with a prolonged disease course prior to diagnosis. Chest radiographs showed patterns like tuberculosis. The most frequent species were M. abscessus (33.3%), M. kansasii (30.6%), and M. intracellulare (15.3%). The species M. kansasii were more frequent in urbanized areas. The M. abscessus group had the highest treatment failure rate (40.5%) and the most significant toxicity (56.8%). Future studies should focus on treatment and toxicity to further understand these emerging infections
Micobactérias não Tuberculosas (MNT) , Doença Pulmonar , Epidemiologia , Desfecho de Tratamento , Toxicidade , Mycobacterium kansasii , Mycobacterium abscessus