A formação de professores sob a égide da reforma Anísio Teixeira : indicativos de uma aritmética para ensinar na escola primária da Bahia : (1924-1929)

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Rocha, Cézar Jesus da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
It tries to answer the following investigation query: to what extent, the so called Reforma Anísio Teixeira instituted an arithmetic to teach as a tool in the teacher's work? Based on this inquiry, it aims to investigate the institutionalization of knowledge to teach arithmetic in primary schools in Bahia, considering the education reform proposed by Anísio Teixeira in his first management, as General Director of Public Instruction. In order to do so, we have: [1] In teacher training documents, we would invent guidelines for the teaching of arithmetic; [2] identify the mechanisms used by Anísio for the dissemination and realization of knowledge to teach and an arithmetic to teach; [3] identifies the experts who were with Anísio in the elaboration and / or dissemination of an arithmetic to teach; [4] relates the arithmetic to teach, present in Programa do Ensino da Escola Elementar Urbana do Estado da Bahia/Lei 1846, August 14, 1925, with the arithmetic to teach, presented by experts in the conferences of the holiday course. This temporal clipping is at a moment of flourishing of the ideas of Nova Escola, a fact that deserves a special look in order to verify the continuities and / or discontinuities present in the directives that guided the teaching of arithmetic in Bahia. This is a qualitative, historical-documentary research based on some concepts of Cultural History, such as: representation, practice and appropriation, proposed by Roger Chartier, strategies and tactics, presented by Michel De Certeau, school culture, by Dominique Julia and the historical analysis of the constitution of the school subjects, described by André Chervel. Under the protection of the Instructional Reform and the pedagogical movement of the New School, it signals the articulation of different contents, pedagogical knowledge and teaching methods in the formation of the primary teacher, giving rise to an arithmetic to teach in the Bahian school. In this movement, as the didactic questions of arithmetic were studied, refined, appropriated and passed on to the teachers by the experts, the arithmetic to teach was becoming, referenced in the knowledge to teach and the knowledge to be taught, brought by the official documents. Generally speaking, the tripod of arithmetic to teach consisted of the teacher's ability to make teaching concrete, practical and playful, as well as favoring possibilities for discoveries and interconnections between school arithmetic knowledge and practical life situations where they were needed.
Arithmetic , Teacher training , Anísio Teixeira reform , Primary school , Formação de professores , Reforma Anísio Teixeira , Ensino primário
ROCHA, Cézar Jesus da. A formação de professores sob a égide da reforma Anísio Teixeira: indicativos de uma aritmética para ensinar na escola primária da Bahia : (1924-1929). 2017. 144 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2017.