Alterações genéticas em M. tuberculosis durante a fase de infecção latente e suas possíveis implicações biológicas.

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Silva, Carlos Andre Cunha da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Tuberculosis (TB) is humanity's oldest infectious disease, and it still represents a major challenge today. Caused by species of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex (CMTB), the disease has a wide distribution, predominantly in the poorest populations and in countries with lower socioeconomic development. A major problem related to TB is latent infection, in which the bacterium is in the host in a quiescent form denominated “dormancy”. Despite recent studies breaking the paradigm of the binary model of interaction between MTB and the host, which consisted of the forms of disease (active) and latent infection (LTBI), little is known about the physiological state of MTB during the latency period. In this context, this work aims to study genetic alterations in secondary cases from their respective index cases and to investigate possible alterations and their biological implications. Bioinformatics analyzes were used in 24 strains, through comparative genomics between index cases and their respective secondary cases using RAST, Snippy and Spades software. The genetic differences that led to some modification in the secondary case were called variants or variations. Data analysis indicated that most of the variations found were in the metabolic subsystems related to virulence and membrane transport, we also found that in the subsystems related to dormancy and stress response there were no variations. There are no genetic alterations that lead to loss or gain of M. tuberculosis resistance during the dormancy period in secondary cases.
tuberculose , bioinformática , latência