Análise estatística de correlações PVT de petróleos

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Gomes, Garben Bravim
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
A precise estimation of a reservoirbehavioris veryimportant for the correct evaluation of hydrocarbons amount, prediction of the performance, development of production facilities and planning of efficient recuperation methods. But direct evaluation of all petroleum properties is not viableduring operation of an exploratory well bore. This problem is solved by estimating some properties from others whose evaluation in laboratory is easier. Several correlations were proposed and commented in the literature forcorrelating oil formation volume factor, solubility ratio, bubble point pressure, reservoir temperature, oil gravity,gas gravity, and so on. These models have been nominated PVT correlations, although sometimes the include some non PVT properties as oil and gas viscosity. The most famous correlationsis thatproposed by Standing, Glaso and Vazquez-Beggs, which have been modified by other researchers as, for example, De Gheto, Al Marroun and Petrosky. In this work,we present statistical analysis of some correlations (for bubble point pressure estimation) for Standing, Glaso and Vazquez-Beggs correlations. The experimental data are that presented by De Gheto in 1995
Correlation , PVT properties , Petroleum reservoir , Correlação (Estatística) , Propriedades PVT , Reservatórios de Petróleo
GOMES, Garben Bravim. Análise estatística de correlações PVT de petróleos. 2008. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia mecânica) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro Tecnológico, Vitória, 2008.