Condições de trabalho docente: um estudo de caso em uma escola de regime de tempo integral

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Peixoto, Harízia Rozeno
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This paper’s objective was to analyze the teaching work conditions at a state school that offers full-time high school education in the city of Guaçuí-ES. The specific purposes were to identify the politics of the Espírito Santo Department of Education about the aspects that are part of the teaching work conditions and to analyze how these conditions are related to the school’s graduation proposition. This research is characterized as a case study, which uses documental consultation, field diary and semi-structured interviews with professors from the institution as instruments for data collection and the assumptions of historical and dialectical materialism as a theoretical and methodological reference for analyzing the collected data. In the context of Espírito Santo (ES), it’s possible to find a difficulty to find scientific and academic studies that address the theme of teaching work conditions. It was also observed that the current legislation about Carrer Path and Salaries from Espírito Santo’s Public State Teaching is from 1998 and has changed little since then, even if it’s considered that, on the other hand, the educational field has been suffering several modifications in the past years. As a result, it was found, in this partial analysis, that the biggest challenge to be faced concerning the teaching work conditions is connected to the hiring regimen: the temporary assignment. It’s emphasized that this hiring regimen results in personal and professional insecurity, uncertainty about the future activity, absence of career and progression, absence or difficulty when creating a relationship with the institution, difficulty in political and/or trade union organization, whereby teachers could achieve better working conditions to their class. It’s also considered that the precariousness of the working conditions resulting from the temporary assignment isn’t an accident, since it’s linked to the changes that happened in the educational field in the ES and in Brazil, specially from the second half of the 2010 decade onwards, and that were instigated by the neoliberal ideology, modifying the fundamentals of basic education, mainly from high school, bringing graduation propositions based on managerialism and flexibilization to it, resulting in a preterition and impoverishment in the general student education, aiming the workmanship training through prioritizing technical graduation, thus affecting without fail the labor of teaching. The results found in this research point towards a need to deepen the academic and political discussions regarding the normalization process of hiring teachers through temporary contract, specially in the state of Espírito Santo, furthermore considering that the process of job precarity that the temporary contract causes isn't disconnected from the neoliberal educational project recently implemented in ES and in Brazil as a whole, mainly since 2015, and that besides the teachers themselves, it affects the training offered to our basic education students, specially from high school.
Condições de trabalho docente , Novo ensino médio , Escola de tempo integral