O uso da astronomia como eixo temático motivador para introdução ao estudo de cinemática no ensino médio

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Frinhani, Geysa
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This paper describes an educational intervention carried out in Physics classes with students from the first year of high school. This is the construction and application of a didactic sequence on kinematics, which used astronomy as a motivator theme and was based on the teaching and research for the theory of meaningful learning of David Ausubel. Was produced and applied by the author, characterizing it, therefore, as an action research, the nature of which is qualitative. The implementation of activities was held at the “Community Rural State School of Colatina” in 2015 and involved 36 students enrolled in the matutinal and Professor of Physics, also the researcher. The production of the adopted didactic sequence was based on the results obtained in the preliminary analysis of textbooks selected PNLD (nacional avaliation of textbooks) Physics in 2012. This analysis sought to identify the occurrence of specific content of Astronomy, and how these contents are covered in the books (curiosities, proposed exercises, introductory arguments, etc.). The objective of the research is investigate the possibility of effective use of content on Astronomy as a main axis for teaching kinematics. The instruments used for the production of data that will support the analysis were a field diary of the teacher-researcher, a diagnostic research with students and concept maps produced by students.
Astronomy teaching , Textbook , Physics teaching , Teaching for research , Meaningful learning , Ensino por investigação , Ensino de astronomia , Ensino de física , Aprendizagem significativa
FRINHANI, Geysa. O uso da astronomia como eixo temático motivador para introdução ao estudo de cinemática no ensino médio. 2016. 113, [128] f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2016.