As contribuições da articulação entre o ensino por investigação e o enfoque CTS para o desenvolvimento de conceitos de física moderna no ensino médio

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Pedroso, Marcos Azevedo
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This work was developed from a sequence of investigative teaching with CTS focus to work on modern physics topics with high school students. The articulation of the CTS approach and teaching by research has provided a more critical view of science and technology as well as its implications in society. Besides that, the theoreticalmethodological contribution of research teaching has proved to be a great alternative for the student to become more participative in class and thus to contribute effectively, not only as a spectator but with an effective participation in the teachinglearning process. The qualitative research was developed in two high school classes, in a public high school, located in the municipality of Serra, ES. The aim of this study was to devalue the effectiveness of the articulation of teaching with a CTS approach with research teaching in the approach of complex physical concepts, such as the Theory of Relativity, represented in equation E = mc². The didactic sequence lasted 8 classes in each class lasting 55 minutes each class. The data produced from the video and audio recordings of the class discussions and their textual productions were analyzed based on the categorization proposed by Trassi (2016), in order to verify the process of appropriation of the concepts related to the theory of relativity in the equation E=mc², its meaning and its importance for the development of science, technology and its implication in society. The results showed that students approached the scientifically accepted concept and that, therefore, the articulation between the CTS approach and research teaching, in the way it was conducted, is a potentially valid and appropriate pedagogical alternative for the teaching of physical knowledge related to modern and contemporary physics, from a socio-scientific perspective.
Physics teaching , CTS approach , Ensino de física , Research teaching , Ensino por investigação , Física moderna e contemporânea , Modern and contemporary physics , Enfoque CTS