O ensino de eletrostática em uma perspectiva investigativa : analisando o processo de construção de conhecimento científico de estudantes da 3ª série do Ensino Médio do IFES Campus Linhares

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Mota, Rovilson de Oliveira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In this work, we developed and validated a teaching sequence, as well as we analysed the conceptual, attitudinal and procedural dimensions of students of the 3rd grade of high school during some educational activities developed with an investigative approach in electrostatics. Investigative teaching propitiated for the students, in my investigations, proactive attitudes in the teaching and learning process and therefore contributes for the insert of this individual into the scientific culture. This way, I realized a research with a qualitative approaching starting from the development of an investigative teaching material where the subject was electrostatics, which included experimental activities for this topic. These experimental activities were carried out by 3rd grade high school students from the Federal Institue of Espirito Santo (IFES, in Portuguese) – Linhares Campus, Espirito Santo (ES) – in order to aggregate their learning process by acting, questioning, formulating and testing hypothesis, while interacting with the experiments as an attempt of raising their critical and reflexive attitudes. This interaction was carried out in the Linhares campus laboratory and each of the 5 activities lasted 120 min. The data was collected using filming and audio recording equipment, and consisted of written responses from the students of that teaching unit. For analysis of the attitudinal and procedural dimensions I used the categorization procedures developed by Souza (2014) and for analysis of the conceptual dimension I used the student responses of the discursive interactions and of the meanings attributed by the students to the concepts shared in class. The results show that the investigative activities, as realized in this study, have the potential to develop conceptual, attitudinal and procedural dimensions such as collaborative teamwork, respect of the diversities through dialogue between students, idea structuring by the use of drawings, development of written and spoken language, and the creation of hypothesis.
Physics teaching , Ensino de física , Atividade investigativa , Investigative activity , Blindagem eletrostática , Conceitos, atitudes e procedimentos , Electrostatic shield , Eletrostática , Aprendizagem , Concepts, attitudes and procedures , Ciência - Estudo e ensino