A (re)significação do erro no ensino de química orgânica numa perspectiva construtivista

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Carrijo, Ana Regina Dalmaschio
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Traditionally in schools, the error has been a source of condemnation, flogging and punishment, a fact that can be translated as ignorance about the interpretive character of the processes of development of the student's intelligence and their levels of structuring. However, under the piagetian constructivist perspective, error in the educational scenario is transformed into a valuable pedagogical tool for the understanding of student learning, used to indicate the stage in which the student is, and consequently, to make decisions for subsequent activities. In order to reimpose the constructive error in the teaching of Chemistry, a study was elaborated on the error committed by the student during the process of construction of knowledge in Organic Chemistry. From this perspective, excels the educator’s importance to assume, in their daily lives, the conduct of observing and making mistakes observable by the student himself. It is not a question of simply pointing them out, but rather of carrying out a work of directing and encouraging the students' attempts for a legitimate reflection and consequent regulation of what had been constructed, so that this student reaches levels of ever greater intelligence.
Error , Constructivism , Chemistry teaching , Organic chemistry , Erro , Construtivismo , Ensino de química
CARRIJO, Ana Regina Dalmaschio. A (re)significação do erro no ensino de química orgânica numa perspectiva construtivista. 2019. 117 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2019.