A práxis em educação ambiental de egressos do sistema público de ensino superior a distância no Norte do Espírito Santo

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Andrade, Nóslen Motta de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
ICTs have been used to train professionals from different areas through Distance Education (EAD). Brazil with its continental dimensions has experienced a great growth of courses in this modality. Public power, through the Open University of Brazil (UAB), has participated in this growth by offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses, mainly for teacher training. With this scope, EAD can be a great partner in the environmental training of teachers. However, there are no studies evaluating this relationship. Given this shortcoming, this work had as general objective to investigate the praxis in Environmental Education of primary school teachers formed by the public EAD in the North of Espírito Santo. Using qualitative research as a methodological guide, the data were produced through 4 strategies: (1) documentary analysis: keywords were searched that explicitly included the inclusion of Environmental Education in the pedagogical projects of all courses offered in the EAD mode by UFES in the North of the Spirit. (2) Free evocation technique: participants were encouraged to write the first 5 words that came to mind when they heard the term "environment." (3) Social and Environmental Thematic Form, consisted of a form containing 20 terms, of which 10 are normally recognized as ecological issues and 10 recognized by common sense as social issues. (4) semi-structured interview, which sought to explain how the participants represent the concepts of environment and environmental education, as well as their contextualization in their teaching practices. Twenty teachers trained in 5 courses offered in 7 different poles took part in the research. The data were submitted to content analysis and organized into tables, graphs and tables. The results reveal a strong influence of the naturalist and pragmatic macro trends both in the pedagogical projects and in the repertoire of the teachers they have formed, either in free evocation, FTS or interviews. However, it was in the interviews that the greater advance of the speeches for the critical macro-trend was noticed, possibly due to the greater time and freedom of analysis that this technique of data collection allows the research participant. Specifically, this was most evident in the interviews of the teachers who develop their activities in the light of the philosophy of the education of the field, where the transversal and interdisciplinary approach of environmental issues are facilitated through the generative themes, whose foundations are in the popular pedagogy of Paulo Freire . It discusses the consequences of these results for the teaching practice and its possibilities for the advancement of critical environmental education in the environmental training of teachers in the EAD modality.
Environmental education , Distance education , Interdisciplinary , Transversal , Teacher training , Formação de professores , Educação a distância
ANDRADE, Nóslen Motta de. A práxis em educação ambiental de egressos do sistema público de ensino superior a distância no Norte do Espírito Santo. 2018. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2018.