A interdisciplinaridade na perspectiva de integrar as disciplinas da área de ciências da natureza e matemática

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Oliveira, Elisandra Brizolla de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
With globalization, the advance of science and technology has been accented. We have experienced a period of intense cognitive, perceptual and cultural transformations and in this context the school is called upon to participate in these changes, in reason to be a privileged place for the transformation of human beings in formation. In this context, interdisciplinarity has been discussed in Brazil for some years in literature, in official documents, as well as studies and researches in general, linked to education. In so far as the interdisciplinarity concepts are inserted and consolidated in the academic field, they assume new meanings, adding strength to the proposal of a contextualized and interdisciplinary integral formation. However, this movement in order to break the fragmented knowledge does not happen displaced from society, as it allows educational institutions to go beyond the organization and disciplinary curricular education and their educational processes and potentiate an contextualized integral formation, inspired by the assumptions of interdisciplinarity. The quest for overcoming this fragmentation occurs through the integration between different subjects or knowledge areas, and it is configured as interdisciplinary interaction movement and may be potentized by dialogue, negotiation and partnership. Notwithstanding, these understandings and definitions that underlie the proposed integration through interdisciplinary knowledge remain polysemic and its development in practice faces difficulties in the educational field. Likewise discussions about Curriculum in the Brazilian educational field have conquered pride of place, being able to be visualized by the amount of guidelines, norms and reformulations in all modalities of teaching. This research aimed to systematize theoretical and methodological elements that allow to develop interdisciplinarity between Biology curriculum proposal from the state of Espírito Santo and the Science of Nature subjects and Mathematics and to investigate the challenges of integration in the perception of teachers and students. Emphasis is placed on qualitative approach and discourse analysis, through a questionnaire applied to fifteen teachers in the field of the natural sciences and the one hundred and twenty students of different modalities of courses and working shifts, offered at a state school in the city of Pinheiros/ES. The investigation results suggest lack of training from the teachers about interdisciplinarity, as well as the legal documents that underlie this practice. The challenges pointed by teachers for the effectuation of a practice in the perspective of interdisciplinarity go through teachers turnover, lack of time to collectively planning in view of the effective work schedule that signalizes the loss of school autonomy to create, plan and execute the school curriculum in detriment of the implementation of a single curriculum throughout the state public, which does not consider the reality. The investigation has also contributed to evidence the conception that teachers have about the curriculum integration in the perspective of interdisciplinarity. Among the students it is evident that the proposed work by Knowledge Areas is unknown. In summary, we defend that interdisciplinarity should be built collectively among peers that involve articulation between different areas of knowledge, in order to seek a more integrated and contextualized vision of society and the human being, and that the school, through the integrated curriculum, can play its role in the formation.
Interdisciplinary , Natural sciences , Integrated curriculum , Interdisciplinaridade na educação , Ciências da natureza , Currículo integrado , Ciências naturais , Abordagem interdisciplinar do conhecimento na educação , História natural