A educação ambiental no currículo da Escola Família Agrícola

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Barbosa, Ana Paula Carvalho
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The theoretical bases pointed out for the discussion in this work are under the vision of Environmental Education, transforming and emancipatory, since it corresponds to a form of learning that breaks conventional forms of teaching, transcends the spaces of the classroom and transforms the community and the family environment in teaching and learning spaces based on local specificities. The objective of this dissertation was to investigate how environmental education is addressed in the curriculum of the Bley Agricultural Family School in São Gabriel da Palha, Espírito Santo. The methodology used consisted of a qualitative research developed in three phases. The first phase analyzed how EA is addressed in the formal curriculum of the Bley Agricultural Family School, through analysis of the Institutional Development Plan, Course Plan, Institutional Self-Assessment Program and the Renewal Process of the technical course Integrated in Agropecuária. The second phase consisted in evaluating the practical approach of Environmental Education in the lived curriculum, which is constituted by student activities, both in school time and community time, since this school is governed by the teaching modality of Alternation. For the data collection in this second moment were realized observations of the day to day of the students in the time-school. The third moment consisted of analysis of the activities of the time-community through the notebook of the reality of the students. The results show the environmental question present in a transdisciplinary way in the students' daily life at the Bley Agricultural Family School. Since the direct relationship between the school and the community, because it is located in the rural environment and for developing educational practices related to this environment, favors through agroecology an arrangement of knowledge that leverages the transversality of environmental education. Contributing to the emancipatory social and environmental development of students.
Alternation pedagogy , Emancipatory , Teaching , Agroecologia , Pedagogia da alternância , Transdisciplinaridade
BARBOSA, Ana Paula Carvalho. A educação ambiental no currículo da Escola Família Agrícola. 2018. 154 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2018.