Função exponencial: definição, caracterização e aplicação

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Gadioli, Anderson Oliveira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The present dissertation deals with an approach regarding the teaching of exponential function for teachers of mathematics. This work has served in the studies of LIMA (2010), DANTE (2014), EVES (2004), IEZZI (2011) among others to justify the importance of this teaching in the final series of basic education. It is known that the teaching of mathematics is going through delicate moments in the last few decades, so it is important to expand knowledge for a new approach in this teaching and clearly applies. In this way, it is believed that there is a greater commitment on the part of the teacher and the student in the sense that if you finish with this rancid which is the study of mathematics. Therefore, in a world where new technologies and information is more accessible, the mathematical models become a facilitator when you need to troubleshoot and analyze graphs.
Mathematics , Exponential function , Problems , Graphics , Matemática , Função exponencial , Problemas , Gráficos
GADIOLI, Anderson Oliveira. Função exponencial: definição, caracterização e aplicação. 2015. 87 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Matemática em Rede Nacional) – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Exatas, Vitória, 2015.