O conceito de campo no eletromagnetismo : uma unidade de ensino potencialmente significativa

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Rocha, Márcio Oliveira da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study reports the application of a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit for teaching the concept of field in the electromagnetism in a public school state. This teaching unit was elaborated based on the assumptions of the Meaningful Learning Theory and applied in a class of third grade the first quarter of 2015. The instruments used for data collection were: The activities of the students, the identification of questionnaires prior knowledge and assessment of learning and questionnaire evaluation of instructional resources. For data analysis, we adopted a qualitative approach and used as a methodological reference the Content Analysis of Bardin (1977).The qualitative analysis of activities and learning evaluation’s questionnaire showed that students have appropriated, gradually, the tackled concepts in teaching unit and they were able to apply them to solve the proposed problematical situations. The results of the questionnaire evaluation of instructional resources indicated that use of experiments, videos and computer simulations contributed to raise the interest of students for the content addressed in teaching unit. Thus, the results indicated that the Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit, elaborated based on the assumptions of the Meaningful Learning Theory to introduce the concepts of electric and magnetic field has achieved the goals of this work.
Meaningful learning , Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units , Field Concept , Conceito de campo , Content analysis , Análise de conteúdo , Unidade de Ensino Potencialmente Significativa (UEPS) , Aprendizagem significativa