Rotina e instrumentos pedagógicos na educação infantil : "para além da sala de aula"

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Wildemberg, Márcia Pereira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The Early infant Education, considered the first step in teaching of basic education, demand a different curriculum from other types of education, as well as different ways of organizing everyday life in institutions that meet this step. Routine and teaching instruments are part of this universe and education are of great importance in the daily school organization. Therefore, this research has established as objective to investigate the perceptions of teachers regarding the implementation of routine and the use of teaching tools in the classroom, analyzing what they think about it through their narratives. The routine and the tools have been theorized by studies of other researchers and with the fundamental theoretical contributions to Barbosa studies (2000 and 2006); Vigotsky (2000; 2003; 2006; 2007); Luria (1988); Leontiev (1978 and 2005) among others. The research is qualitative in nature and used as a procedure to collect data, semi-structured interview. The research subjects were teachers from public and philanthropic institutions in the city of Pedro canary-ES.
Routine , Teaching instruments , Infant education , Rotina , Instrumentos pedagógicos , Educação infantil , Cotidiano escolar