A aritmética na escola primária do Espírito Santo na década de 1870 : percepções a partir da obra de Miguel Maria Jardim

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Feitosa, Rosiane Morais dos Santos
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Seeking to answer the question: How does Miguel Jardim‟s Elementary Arithmetic, adopted by the epsirito-santense primary instruction, would reflect contents and methods proposed by in the laws of 1870 decades? From such question, this current work aims to analyze Miguel Maria Jardim‟s booklet adopted by the espirito-santense primary instruction in the decades of 1870, considering the methods and contents proposed by this time current law. In order to accomplish that, [1] select the opuscules of arithmetic which go around the north of Espírito Santo state, from this law, led to the public instruction, and from the newspapers of the time, [2] examine biographical elements related to the author‟s arithmetic book, Miguel Maria Jardim; [3] identifies the arithmetic to teach advocated in the textbooks checked by teaching programs that were current in the delimited time. It is a qualitative research from a historical-documental nature fundamented in the Cultural History constructs such as: practice and representation, proposed by Roger Chartier (2002), and school culture, described by Dominique Julia (2001); besides the conceptions and the knowledge to teach and to be taught, proposed by Hofstetter and Schneuwly (2017).About the source used it is mentioned the Public Instructions Regulaments to the state of Espírito Santo, 1873 and 1877, Government‟s reports, Official mails, newspapers taking as a privilege the Miguel Maria Jardim‟s textbook “Elementar Arithmetic”. Document analyses show that this work had many editions and it was adopted in five Brazilian states: Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Alagoas, Pará e Espírito Santo, being guaranteed in these states for almost 20 years. Structured according to the synthetic method, from 51 lessons which the work is organized, 32 specifically about the contents predicted in the espirito-santense primary school, in the decades of 1870 ( definitions, numerations; the 4 operations with complete numbers, proof of the nine, fractions(ordinary, improper and mixed); fractions simplification, division of characters, maximum common divisor , fraction reduction to the same denominator, fraction comparisons, the four operation involving fractions, denary fractions, denary number, reduce denary fraction to the ordinary,; convert ordinary fraction to the denary one, periodic decimation, the four operations involving the denary ones, complex numbers, the four operations with complex number).The content about the Denary measuring System, predicted in the time‟s law, is also contemplated in the work through 10 likings. The studied also showed, according to the current law, that the Jardim‟s 9 last elementar arithmetic lessons (proportion, reason, the simple 3 rules, the composed 3 rules, the interest rules, the discount rules, the companionship rule and the linking rule) don‟t reflect on the proposed contents to the primary school, but to contents destined to the normal school.
Arithmetic , Textbooks , Livros didáticos , Miguel Maria Jardim , Ensino primário
FEITOSA, Rosiane Morais dos Santos. A aritmética na escola primária do Espírito Santo na década de 1870 : percepções a partir da obra de Miguel Maria Jardim. 2018. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2018.