Estudo comparativo dos aspectos florísticos e fitossociológicos das restingas do Espírito Santo e da salinidade no crescimento inicial de Canavalia rosea (sw.) DC
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Zambom, Oberdan
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The Praia de Caraís’ present in the Paulo César Vinha Stat Park was studied in the present work, in the district of Guarapari/ES, contemplating the halófila-psamófila vegetal zone in your floristic and fitossociologic aspects. A sampling area about 200 m² was evaluate through quadrate method (1m²) in 20 lines of ten square meters perpendiculars to the shore, from the vegetation begin to continent interior. In the Praia de Caraís were found 17 species in 11 botanic families. 32 species in 19 families were reveled in comparison with the Espírito Santo cost-line. The most representative families in numbers of species in Caraís and in the comparison done a long the Espírito Santo shoreline was: Poaceae, Fabaceae and Amaranthaceae and Convolvulaceae. From the species found as in past studies as in actual study, Remiria marítima, occurred in the 14 regions studied in the shoreline Espírito Santo. Others species like Panicum racemosum, Sporobolus virginicus, Remiria maritima, Canavalia rosea, Ipomoea imperati, Ipomoea pes-capre, it are considered widely shared in the Espírito Santo shoreline restinga, whereas Cassita filifrmis, Hidrocotile bonariensis, Chrysobalanus icaco had restricted distribution, and Hidrocotile umbelata, Alagoptera arenaria, Scaevola plumieri, Cereus fernambucensis wold be of low distribution. From the species sampled through the Espírito Santo cost-line, Allagoptera arenaria, Scaevola plumieri, Cassita filiformis e Chrysobalanus icaco had sampling distribution restrict to the Paulo César Vinha reserve biology, whereas others species like Canavalia rosea, Ipomoea imperati, Ipomoea pes-capre, Blutaparom portulacoides, Stenotaphrum secundatum, Panicum racemosum had wide distribution in the restingas sampled in Espírito Santo state. Canavalia rosea is the specie with the highest importance worth (IV 36,39) recorded to the actual Praia de Caraís segment. In the others places compared of the Espírito Santo cost this specie kept positions oscillating between the forth and the eighth place in IV. Ipomoea imperati, Panicum racemosum, Stenotaphrum secundatum and Remiria maritima were others species sampled in Caraís, with the highest IV, Relative Frequency and Relative Dominance. These species were found between the six most important in the halófilas-psamófilas restingas from the Espírito Santo state. As to salinity tested in Canavalia rosea, we observed that the salinity increase and/ or the electric conductivity inhibited the plant growth, decreasing the stem, root, leaves dry mass, the total dry mass, the length, the root: shoot ratio and the area leaf. The best performance was obtained in 0 mM and 200 mM of NaCl, occasioning serious damages, including the died of this plants in 28 and 56 days. About the 200 mM treatment, the plants survived to salinity, however with restrictions in the dry mass and others parameters evaluated. The growth rates (RGR and NAR) were affected with the soil salinity increase, showing decrease a long the experiment time. Restrictions also were found to specific area leaf salt, specific leaf mass (SLM) and area leaf rates (ALR), being more affected in the highest salinities. Thus, the ALR and SAL increased with the saliniry in face of dry matter lost, occurring the inverse with SLA, which decreased. As to chlorophyll and carotenoids purport, were not seen variations in concentration after 20 days in 0 mM and 200 mM treatments. Suggesting the others photosynthetic and photoactive mechanisms were affected compromising the specie growth. Hence we can verify that the salinity is one of the factors that promoted unbalances in Canavalia rosea plants.
Restinga , Halófila-psamófila , Florística , Fitossociologia , Floristic , Salinidade , Fitossociology , Crescimento inicial , Salinity , Praia de Caraís , Initial growth , Espírito Santo , Canavalia rosea
ZAMBOM, Oberdan. Estudo comparativo dos aspectos florísticos e fitossociológicos das restingas do Espírito Santo e da salinidade no crescimento inicial de Canavalia rosea (sw.) DC. 2006. 129 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Vitória, 2006.