A influência da atividade experimental na aprendizagem potencialmente significativa de soluções químicas para alunos do ensino médio

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Rocha, Marconi
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The study of solutions, in the discipline of Chemistry, has been done in a traditional way through the model transmission and reception with verbal display of contents. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to suppose that many learning difficulties related to the study of solutions are due to the inadequacy of the pedagogical practices adopted. Most of the time the students can not relate the knowledge acquired in the classroom with concrete situations of daily life involving chemical solutions. The use of experimental activities has been consistently suggested in the official documents dealing with curricular and methodological issues of secondary education and also by several researchers who seek to evaluate their importance and effectiveness in the relation between teaching and learning. Faced with this situation, we sought to investigate the influence and contributions of experimental activities in the potentially meaningful learning of concepts related to the study of solutions for the students of the 2nd year of the Ceciliano Abel de Almeida State High School, in the Municipality of São Mateus - ES. The theoretical contribution used in this discussion was based on David Ausubel's Meaningful Learning Theory. As a methodology, a qualitative approach was used with a descriptive objective and a quasi-experimental design that included the stages of initial problematization, knowledge organization and final evaluation. Data were collected with 96 students from four classes through questionnaires and tests with objective and discursive questions. The qualitative analysis of the quasi-experiment revealed that the use of experimental activities as a teaching strategy allowed for greater involvement and active participation of the students, creating conditions for meaningful learning of concepts related to the study of solutions. The comparison between the initial questionnaire of problematization and the final evaluation showed a conceptual and procedural evolution in the successful resolution of proposed problems besides the understanding of ideas underlying the theme. It is hoped that this research can provide elements of analysis to subsidize the development and use of pedagogical practices potentially significant for the learning of chemical solutions.
Experimental activity , Solutions study , Meaningful learning , Active methodologies , Aprendizagem significativa , Metodologias ativas , Jogos didáticos , Atividade experimental , Estudo das soluções
ROCHA, Marconi. A influência da atividade experimental na aprendizagem potencialmente significativa de soluções químicas para alunos do ensino médio. 2018. 187 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2018.