Currículos enredados por forças, afetos e afecções: o que pode um corpo-pensamento que deseja dançar?

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Reis, Eliana Aparecida de Jesus
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This paper aims to think about curriculum and teacher education in macro and micropolitical networks inside and outside the school. It is a gamble on life, but another way of life: life in wandering, free life, disfigured life. It presents Deleuze, Guattari, Rolnik, Carvalho, Corazza, Dias, among others, as theoretical intercessors, to displace the thought, which calls to stop "I" and think what is lurking. It also presents the artistic signs in the creation of sensations; philosophy, in the (trans) creation of concepts; science (Education), in the creation of functions in the weaving of plots that make up an infinite conversation. As a research method, it uses the cartography of Deleuze and Guattari and Carvalho's conversation networks to think about strengths, affections and affections in curricular compositions of a primary school and in encounters lived in continuous training spaces with teachers from the municipality of Serra (ES). Like Deleuze, whose intercessors are, besides philosophers such as Espinosa and Foucault, literature, cinema and painting, in the composition of this work we intend to make connections with sensations produced in the body-thought in the encounter with the dance-image. When relating to works by the “Quasar Cia. De Dance” and choreographer Henrique Rodovalho, some arrangements are made with dance that, as an artistic sign, is moved by intensive and extensive lines in the creation of other possible worlds, establishing infinite encounters with a life in immanence. This work assumes an ethical, aesthetic and political dimension in the attempt of a composition in becoming-artist, configuring itself as a body of research with a curious look, experimenter, questioner. A close look at what happens between the cracks left by modern science performing problematizations in relation to the certainties, the "recipes" of learning to think what vibrates in the "middle", in constant process of demolition, of (dis) (re)territorialization. A curriculum as body-relation, body-affection, and body politic dances between macro and micropolitical forces amplified by collective desire. An inventive formation as a war machine is a body of thought that wishes to dance on the move and create movements in connection with an immanent life in everyday school life. Thus, the knowledge-power-subjectivity relations are thought of differently and the invention gains momentum and speed in the "environment" creating other possible worlds, other modes of existence and active resistance: a thought that wishes to dance is constituted by processes of subjectivation inventing erasures, scribbles, cracks, cracks, other ways of existing and resisting.
Currículo , Formação de professores , Corpo-pensamento , Macro e micropolíticas , Máquina de guerra , Curriculum , Teacher training , Teacher training , Thought-body , Macro and micropolitics , War machine