De copérnico a newton: o ensino da gravitação e o movimento das marés
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Mateveli, Allinne Vezula
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This work approaches the results of the application of the educational product related to the history of Astronomy in the Teaching of Gravitation with emphasis on historical characters and facts of Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics, such as Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Tyco Brahe and Isaac Newton. Having Tide Behavior as a motivating topic, since many students are curious to understand it and question “How does sea water not spill and why do high and low tides occur?” Where the proposal was the construction of a didactic sequence through a Potentially Significant Teaching Unit (UEPS) with activities planned in Team-Based Learning, and theoretical framework based on D. Ausubel's Meaningful Learning, in the transcription of M. A. Moreira, as well as data analysis was done through a report based on the use of descriptive statistics, whose concept says that it is the science that exhibits its own methods to collect, provide and adequately explain data sets, whether numerical or not, therefore, statistics is the branch of mathematics that relates facts and figures in which there is a set of methods that enable us to collect data and analyze them so that we are likely to make some interpretation of them. The educational product was applied at the Escola Família Agrícola de Ibitirama-MEPES, with students from the Second Grade of High School integrated into the Agricultural Technician, where the pedagogy of alternation is established, although we only have one class, it was very satisfactory to apply it. All classes were held during the months of August, September and October of 2022, being carried out during the implementation process of UEPS and team-based activities in the classroom, accompanied by reflections on the method, speculations and possible explanations of confusing situations. This dissertation generated the Educational Product: Historical Considerations in Teaching Gravitation and Tidal Movement.
Unidade de Ensino Potencialmente Significativa , Aprendizagem significativa , Atividades baseadas em equipes , Estatística descritiva.