Uma abordagem investigativa no ensino de física: das teorias de gravitação aos buracos negros

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Scherrer Neto, José Izaías Moreira
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The main objective of this dissertation was to develop na investigative teaching sequence that allows working on the concepto of gravitation and its constrution, until reaching black holes, thus pesenting the contentes, in thes field of Classical Physics and Modern and Contemporary Physics. In the classroom, It was decided to develop activities that address topics of Classical Physics, as well as Modern and Contemporary Physics, from the perspective of teaching through research. This approach allows problematization in the classroom, expanding the intellectual freedom of students in the process of construction of scientific knowledge at school. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it was decided to carry out the validation, a priori, by pairs of the teaching sequence by research. The participants in the analysis, evaluation and validation process were students from the public school, Basic Education and teachers with extensive experience in the application and development of research activities. The data that supported the analyzes were collected through a validation instrument of the Investigative Teaching Sequence (ITS), available virtually, and through a recording of the meeting with the participating teachers. The result culminated in the reworking of the Investigative Teaching Sequence (ITS), increasing its potential to teach gravitation to black holes, in an investigative perspective.
Ensino por investigação , física moderna e contemporânea , validação de SEI , buraco negro