Uma proposta de um plano complementar de atividades contextualizado na educação profissional em eletrotécnica para o ensino dos processos de transformação de energia e eficiência energética

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Rangel, Saulus Yuri Milli
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study proposes the elaboration and application of an Educational Product as a Complementary Activity Plan, based on the assumptions of the Theory of Meaningful Learning and Motivation to support the teaching of the Energy Efficiency curricular unit, aiming at improving the learning of the students of the course Electrotechnical technician at Senai. In the perspective of the adopted framework, the use of the following practical actions in the classroom stands out: 1 - Mapping the students' previous conceptions, through reading tasks and discussion of conceptual issues before approaching the content; 2 - Use of different resources, such as the videos from the “Vida de República” series exploring concepts of Energy Efficiency, assembling experiments with students and conducting simulations on the PhET platform; 3 - Consolidation of contents by performing conceptual tests according to the Peer Instruction method; 4 - Proposition of challenges, asking students to develop models about the processes of energy transformation and presenting them to the other students of the school; 5 - Written assessment with formative and recursive character, where students' mistakes were shown and an opportunity was given to redo what they did wrong. 6 - Adequate feedback, whether positive or negative, depending on the path taken by the student in solving class and extra-class tasks. The design for evaluating this work was qualitative, of a pre-experimental type with the use of pre-tests, post-tests, teacher notes and students' opinion questionnaire. The results of the analysis of the pre and post-test scores show that there was an improvement in the performance in the evaluations, that the students expanded the conceptual domain, with the expansion of the scientific vocabulary. The mapping of students' opinions presents a large amount of positive opinions from students about the proposal developed throughout the discipline. The notes of the teacher suggest that the models developed had a positive impact on the school community, either through the experience of sharing the concepts learned, either by reflecting on their own learning and how to externalize it in a presentation, or by the participation of students and teachers. other classes.
Eficiência energética , Aprendizagem significativa , Ensino de Física , Experimentos , Educação profissional , Energy efficiency , Meaningful learning , Physics teaching , Experiments , Professional education