Os desafios da atuação docente em escolas do campo no município de Castelo-ES

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Avansi, Romulo de Souza
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research sought to analyze the conditions for the development of teaching performance in formal education in the context of schools in the field of the Municipal Education Network of the city of Castelo-ES, Brazil. The qualitative research, with contributions from the case study, favored the production of dialogic practices with the research subjects, with data collection from various sources, which include documentary and bibliographic consultation. It uses the bibliographic reference of Arroyo (2007, 2011), Caldart (2002, 2004, 2010, 2011), Freire (1982, 1987. 1990, 1996, 2004), Molina (2009, 2011, 2014, 2017) and others to structure the bases for reflection and understanding of the meaning of education in rural areas. The participants of the research were ten teachers from rural schools in the municipality of Castelo-ES. The methodological instruments used were documentary consultation, bibliographic reference, semi-structured interview and field diary. For data analysis we opted for data triangulation. The research points out that there are many challenges for teachers working in school spaces located in the field. Aspects such as the formation of each subject, the location of the communities where the schools are located, the social relations present in each community, among other factors, were pointed out as aspects that directly or indirectly affect their practices within these contexts. With the research it was possible to better understand the profile of teachers working in rural schools in the municipality of Castelo-ES, and the relationship of these subjects with the school and the community in which they are inserted. The research also contributed to the discussion of topics such as the school-community relationship and the teacher's role in this relationship.
Educação do campo , Professores do campo , Docência , Education in rural areas , Teachers , Teaching