Possibilidades e limites da produção curricular : um estudo de caso em um Centro Familiar de Formação em Alternância (CEFFA) do Município de São Mateus, ES

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Almeida, Valdinei de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
From 1998, when it was held the 1st National Conference for a Peasant Education, which discussions was centered around the overcoming of the Countrified Education to a new way of understanding the countryside, now with the perception of something distinguished, the public-policy struggle of the Countryside Social Movements got strengthened, aiming an adequate educational quality for the peasants needs. Besides, since 1968 the Peasant Education in the State of Espírito Santo was defined by the Pedagogy of Alternation, introduced in Brazil with the formation of the Movement of Promotional Education of Espírito Santo - MEPES (portuguese initials). In the decades of 1970 and 1980, under the creation of MEPES, many schools in alternation emerged in different Brazilian States. In mid 1980 decade, with the creation of the Educational Sector of the MST, the movement brings the elements of the Alternation and adapts them, emerging thus the Pedagogy of Movement. In 1990, it started here in our State the experiences of the public CEFFA's, which are back in discussion at the time and ate implemented from 2010, mobilized and articularized by RACEFFAES, that was founded in the early 2000's, facing some politic-economical conflicts between the Northern Agricultural Family Schools and the Center of MEPES. In the county of São Mateus, there are five CEFFA's, and in this context this work aimed to systematize the process of curricular production in the CEFFA's, analysing its possibilities and challenges, relating them with the trajectories and experiences cultivated by the educators of one peasant school of alternation. We opted by perform a case study in the Community Rural School of Middle School in the region of Córrego Seco. We verified that the Course Plan built together by the RACEFFAES's educators presents a bold proposal, since it aims the autonomy in the process of curricular production, indicating as prime basis the integral formation of the individual, from the thinking of the elements in the reality, providing a conscientization process. At least, we suggested to the RACEFFAES some speculation necessary to the strengthening of the CEFFAs and consequently de Peaseant Education.
Pedagogy of alternation , Course plans , Conscientization , Pedagogia da alternância , MEPES , RACEFFAES , Plano de curso , Conscientização
ALMEIDA, Valdinei de. Possibilidades e limites da produção curricular: um estudo de caso em um Centro Familiar de Formação em Alternância (CEFFA) do Município de São Mateus, ES. 2018. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2018.