O desafio da transversalização do tema meio ambiente no currículo escolar : o caso do colégio modelo de Itamaraju-BA

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Lopes, Gabrielle de Souza Cruz
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The Environmental Education leads people to a change in behavior and values because it is based on ethical, political, economic, social and ecological aspects. It is a recommendation of the National Curriculum Parameters of 1997 and of the National Environmental Education Policy that Environmental Education is present in the curriculum in a transversal and interdisciplinary way. It was sought to identify and explain the ways in which Environmental Education appears in the school curriculum, considering the prescribed, real and hidden characteristics. The research was characterized as an ethnographic case study being developed at the "Luis Eduardo Magalhães" Model School, Itamaraju-BA. The data were collected through documentary analysis, the application of semi-structured questionnaires with 42 students and semi-structured interviews with 9 teachers. In addition, we considered the observations and practices of the author who, as a teacher of the school, also considers herself as researched. The results show that, explicitly, Environmental Education is present in projects such as the Environment Week, Ecological Gymkhana, Agenda 21, Student Games and Black Consciousness. However, teachers perceive their insertion in the curriculum and that their practice is through reading and interpreting texts, in the textbook, in the contents, in the production of texts, in the tabulation of statistical data and in discussions. When analyzing the students' questionnaires, 90% said they participated in activities on the environment theme, while 5% did not remember and the other 5% did not participate. It was also possible to verify that they have a critical view of the main environmental problems of the city and that relate the specific contents of the disciplines with the local and global environmental issues. Based on the results, the limits and possibilities of the mainstreaming of the environmental theme in the curriculum are discussed, as well as the role of the school as a space for critical training, which is necessary to confront current social and environmental issues.
Environmental education , Transversality , Interdisciplinality , Curriculum , Estudos interdisciplinares , Currículo , Transversalidade , Interdisciplinaridade
LOPES, Gabrielle de Souza Cruz. O desafio da transversalização do tema meio ambiente no currículo escolar: o caso do colégio modelo de Itamaraju-BA. 2016. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2016.