A percepção de si e do outro : um estudo sobre identidade e literatura no Centro Estadual de Ensino Médio em Tempo Integral Manoel Duarte da Cunha

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Silva, Karina Rodrigues
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This present paper approaches the students‘ perceptions about identity at Manoel Duarte da Cunha, a full-time high school located in the city of Pedro Canário. It is related the student perspective about what he/she thinks about identity as well as the way he/she is able to understand the identities in characters from Capixaba literature (literature made in the state of Espírito Santo). In an attempt to achieve the proposed activity, the students were requested to read two literary works, Karina, written by Virgínia Tamanini and Reino não Conquistado (Unconquered Kingdom) by Renato Pacheco. Such pieces describe the ideal types of actors who should build the nation and the state of Espírito Santo: the black people and the white immigrants. In order to support the paper, the theoretical framework of Jürgen Habermas, a philosopher heir to the Frankfurt School, was considered. Habermas deepens themes which were left unclosed by the such school, as the autonomy of the human being. The author develops the theory of communicative act which is the crucial aspect of his works. The theory claims that in performative acts that we socialize, build our individuality and acquire our identity. However, this is not fixed and it is related to the way we accomplish our choices; knowing who one is and what one wants is the assumption of having an identity of the self, last phase of a developed autonomous identity, which means the capacity of acting in an impeccable manner. Thus, the reader will find a paper which approaches not the student‘s identity, since it is not tangible, but a process of the development and acquisition along its formation. We intend to discuss the perceptions of the students towards the acquisition of the identity.
Educação , Habermas , Aluno , Sala de aula