O ensino de eletrodinâmica em uma perspectiva investigativa : investigando os desdobramentos sobre a aprendizagem de estudantes
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Souza Junior, Domingos Rodrigues
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
In this work we present a proposal of investigative approach to teaching Electrodynamics, performed during the first half of 2013 in three classes, totaling 67 high school senior students attending the E.E.E.M Maria Ortiz located in Vitoria, Espírito Santo (ES). The study of longitudinal and quali-quanti nature , whose main research reason is to investigate the learning of conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents while conducting activities of investigative approach in physics classes. The methodology and resources used are both based on the theory of learning through inquiry and Ausubel's Meaningful Learning, whose starting point is the previous knowledge of the student and his role in constructing his own learning. We built an investigative unit of teaching with texts of conceptual support, notebook with activities and learning objects (applets, simulations and software). The data collect was processed through tests, audio and videotaped classes and field diary created to investigate the development of the activities. We used the field diary; the classes recorded on video, the audio and answered questions to infer the procedural and attitudinal students learning. The results point changes in the attitudes of the students (exchange of ideas, participation in activities, collaborative work) and in my attitudes as a researcher teacher. The changes in students' attitudes are related to the way they learn, when questioned, they research hypotheses to solve concrete problems. Regarding the conceptual content, the analysis of the data obtained in the light of the treatment Rasch, pointed out that there was an increase in the dimension of the content. Furthermore, there were quite significant changes related to the techniques, strategies and attitudes used by students while solving the proposed problems. The final balance, indicates that the way the intervention based on the learning through investigation, the actions and activities were developed, has the potential to promote meaningful learning and make students more involved in the process.
Teaching through inquiry , Conceptual learning, atitudinal and procedural , Treatment Rasch , Ensino por investigação , Aprendizagem conceitual, atitudinal e procedimental , Electrodynamics , Tratamento Rasch