Interseccionalidades, mulheres quilombolas e possibilidades que emergem da participação solidária

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Pereira, Marilene Aparecida
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study aims to analyze the performance of women inserted in the context of female associations in the Quilombola Community of São Pedro and Region, located in the municipality of Ibiraçu / ES. We tried to show that the associations allowed access to the public world, as well as participation in a network of agencies in search of emancipation linked to female and anti-racist interests. As a general objective, we sought to analyze the experiences contained in the income generation relationship developed by these women through association. Our epistemological concern is to understand how the processes of resistance and resilience of women who produce work, support their families and contribute to keeping their local traditions alive are constituted. In this plot, difficult processes emerged from the analysis of the interviewees' narratives that the families cultivated for a long period in search of land title, the constitution of the association and the creation of a Solidarity Economic Enterprise. Holanda (2011) and Freitas (2006) and we used semi-structured interviews, which were recorded, transcribed and textualized. This research is justified by the urgency of revealing the potential of quilombos, collaborating with the increase of productions where the transversality of income generation of black quilombola women is more directly present. We engage in dialogues in the field of ethnic-racial relations and intersectionality from Almeida (2019); Patricia Rufino (2018); Munanga (1995/1996); Kimberlé Crenshaw (2002); Oyerónke (2004); Djamila Ribeiro (2019); Carla Akotirene (2019); Angela Davis (2016); bell hooks (1981/2014); Patricia Hill Collins (2015/2019); Sueli Carneiro (2003); and Lélia Gonzales (1987); Freire (1986/1987). As a final result, it is expected, through the use of technology, to contribute to increasing knowledge about the quilombola communities of ES, in addition to collaborating with studies on black feminism, as well as serving as a reference for those who intend to produce anti-racist educational practices. As a result, we intend that teachers, students and social movements, starting from the use of our website, can take to their spaces reflections on the theme, such as racism, black feminism, social emancipation and experiences that emerge from participation in associative work.
Mulheres quilombolas , interseccionalidade , economia solidária