Utilização de animações interativas aliada à teoria da aprendizagem significativa : um recurso no ensino de biologia celular

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Ferreira, Rafael Antunes
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The study of the structure and functioning of cells is important for the understanding of morphophysiological aspects that characterize living beings and their relations with other living beings and the environment. In the school environment, it is known that cytology teaching presents great difficulty in learning. The use of traditional methods of teaching and resistance to the use of current pedagogical means are among the reasons for this problem. The main objective of this study was to provide a learning strategy based on a potentially significant resource for the teaching of the cell in the discipline of Biology. An interactive animation was produced and used as a mediating tool for meaningful learning of concepts related to the cell, with first year high school students in a private educational institution. The impact of the resource in the teaching and learning process was measured through a questionnaire applied to the students and by the creation of conceptual maps. The results, presented through an interpretative description of the intervention process, show that the students have broadened the knowledge about the subject in question and show that a classroom dynamics based on the use of interactive animations, combined with the use of previous organizers and the construction of maps Conceptual, was an important factor of motivation and development of the students, favoring the significant learning of the contents. In addition, the research made possible the contact with the new learning technologies, allowing students to experience and try out new ways to learn cytology in a meaningful context and as subjects of their learning.
Biology teaching , Technologies in education , Cell , Educational software , David Ausubel , Ensino de biologia , Tecnologias na educação , Célula , Software educativo
FERREIRA, Rafael Antunes. Utilização de animações interativas aliada à teoria da aprendizagem significativa: um recurso no ensino de biologia celular. 2016. 88 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2016.