Uma intervenção educacional com enfoque no ensino por investigação : abordando as temáticas termodinâmica e óptica

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Ambrózio, Rosa Maria
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The quality of teaching offered in all segments of education is a topic of discussion in academia and in the areas responsible for educational management. The education should follow other social changes promoting the contact of students with scientific culture, allowing for learning that is not only based on transmission of concepts, laws and models. To accomplish this research we were guided by resolutions reported in literature regarding research on teaching. We sought to develop activities that would promote the teaching of science in conceptual, procedural and attitudinal dimensions. Through these activities, it was possible to investigate the effects of educational intervention with investigative focus on student learning. According to this teaching perspective, two teaching units were created: the first addressing the issue Thermodynamics, in which students performed an open laboratorial activity by means of computer simulation; the second addressing the theme Optics, comprising of an open laboratorial activity with physics experiment and another activity as open question. In all three activities, contextualized problems were proposed involving student`s everyday situations, and from these activities they should elaborate their investigations. 236 students regularly enrolled at E.E.E.M. Colégio Estadual do Espírito Santo participated in this survey. Students showed themselves engaged because when evaluating the quality of the plans during the first intervention, only 7 groups among 29 had their performances classified as incipient. Regarding the concepts involved in the activities, considering all interventions, only 5 groups responded incorrectly to the proposed problems. As a product of this research was elaborated a guide so that other teachers can also implement the Units of Thermodynamics and Optics in their classes. We believe that the development of this research has also provided gains to me, the teacher, since I have learned how to motivate my students to assume their roles as protagonists in the learning process.
Teaching physics , Ensino de física , Teaching thermodynamics and optics , Ensino de termodinâmica e óptica , Teaching by investigation , Ensino por investigação , Conceptual, procedural and attitudinal learning , Aprendizagem conceitual, atitudinal e procedimental