O Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça sob o olhar de alunos visitantes e seus monitores

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Barbosa, Manoel Augusto Polastreli
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The non-formal places of education are important environments to the development of the learning process. In many cases, the experiences that took place in these sites enable the students to come closer to the object and/or the content studied inside the classroom. One of these places, Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça was selected to the development of this study. The site is a Conservation Unit, placed between the cities of Ibitirama and Alegre, state of Espírito Santo. One of its main operation is the visitor‟s reception by the monitors in order to perform an environment interpretation, among them, there are students at every school levels. Besides the non-formal space of education, the researched environment also protects an infinity of the flora and fauna species, thus, the following issue was raised: what are the Middle School student‟s perceptions regarding the activities developed in the Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça, as well as regarding the monitors from the Conservation Unit who develop such actions? To this end, the established overall goal is to analyze the activities developed by the Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça from its monitors and the Middle School students‟ perception. Eighty Middle School students and the two monitors of the respective Conservation Unit who visited the Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça between October and November 2018 participated in the research. The data collection occurred through observations performance by the researcher of activities developed in the Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça along with the visiting students, besides the application of a survey among the students and monitors. The results obtained were discussed face the literature brought on the theoretical background and used due to the drafting of a final report, which is considered the product of this work and it is going to be delivered to the administration of the Conservation Unit. Through this study, it was possible to assert a positive evaluation from the students and monitors regarding the three activities developed during the site visit: lecture, flannel graphs and interpretative trail. The students considered the Conservation Unit an important space of environmental preservation, once they had contact with nature and got closer to the content studied inside the classroom. The Parque Estadual da Cachoeira da Fumaça develops a work aiming the environment preservation, and it is considered a non-formal space of potential education regarding the human formation and the strengthening of formal space versus non-formal space relations. In a word, the dissemination and acknowledgment of this work, mainly by the schools and teachers are of the utmost importance. The usage of the Conservation Unit allows the visitors the acknowledgment of the environmental preservation relevance, which means scholar groups, aiming to sensitize such citizens regarding the environmental issues, should pursue it more intensely, enabling the learning of a myriad of contents related to the teaching of Science.
Ensino de ciências , Espaço não-formal de educação , Percepção ambiental , Unidade de conservação , Teaching of science , Non-formal space of education , Environment perception , Conservation unit