Uma investigação sobre a elaboração e a utilização de um material instrucional baseado na teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa para o estudo de um tópico de mecânica no contexto rural
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Silva, Claytor Vieira da
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The main objectives of this paper were to elaborate, implement and evaluate the impact of an instructional material, addressing the principle of conservation of mechanical energy, using elements from a rural zone context. The study was conducted in a class of 21 students from the 2nd grade of High School, in a public school located in the countryside of the state of Espírito Santo. The instructional material was based on assumptions of Meaningful Learning of Ausubel and on guidelines for preparation of Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units of Moreira. The basic premise of Ausubel's theory is that meaningful learning only occurs when new information is the basis of the cognitive structure of the learner. It is necessary to find out what students already know and focus teaching on it, starting from the most general and inclusive concepts to more specific ones. The Progressive Concept Maps show positive results. Reviews Content Issues presented along the Instructional Material Questionnaire students’ opinions as well as the Diary teacher / graduate student. The approach of data analysis was qualitative. The results of concept maps showed great improvements in their conceptual hierarchy, quality and quantitative criteria considered. The results of the evaluations suggest that students demonstrate mastery of the concepts of work and energy, but had difficulty in principles of conservation of energy. Activities to respond and discuss the issues contained in the instructional material were able to provide moments of social interaction and negotiation of meaning. The opinion of the students and the logbook teacher / graduate student show that the insertion of elements of daily life in the countryside was well accepted and considered relevant to the teaching / learning of the concepts covered. These results are from an Instructional Material which is potentially significant to promote Meaningful Learning of the Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy for High School students.
Meaningful learning , Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units - PMTU , Concept map , Aprendizagem significativa , Contexto da zona rural , Context of rural zone , Princípio da conservação da energia mecânica , Unidade de Ensino Potencialmente Significativa - UEPS , Principle of conservation of mechanical energy , Mapas conceituais