A educação pública primária espírito-santense : vestígios da matemática na formação de professores no período de 1892 a 1960

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Pezzin, Ana Cláudia
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This research analyses the training process of primary school teachers in Espirito Santo State, in the period 1892-1960. It aims at understanding how math instruction happened in training courses offered, in general, by Normal Schools (high schools which train students to be basic education teachers). It uses Cultural History, in Chartier's perspective, to clarify the history of education in the State mentioned above, considering the elements inherent to this movement, such as teaching methods, school evaluation and teachers' actions. The period of time researched is tied to an age of important modifications to Education in Espírito Santo: in 1892, the first Normal School was founded in the State; in 1908, emphasis is placed on Gomes Cardim Reform, by Professor Carlos Alberto Gomes Cardim (an educator from São Paulo State). In the transition from the 60's to the 70's, Normal Shchools were replaced by Teaching Courses, what made teacher training start a new time on its path. In order to comprehend how the ideas which ended up in that reform emerged, it was necessary to understand education since the time Brazil was an Empire (19th century), what made it possible to set a context. Then, a search was carried out to verify the reorganization of education started with the establishment of a republic in Brazil. The source of research includes national and regional (Espírito Santo) official legislation in the field of education, reports sent to the government by Instruction Secretaries and/or School Inspectors, written exams taken by students from two normal schools located in Espírito Santo in the 1930s, the periodical named “Revista de Educação” and teaching manuals, publications which were accessible to Espírito Santo's teachers. It presents some Math Instruction Programs, providing counterpoints between Normal Teaching and Primary Teaching, the teaching methods adopted at that time and distinctions drawn between students according to their gender. In relation to the teaching of Mathematics, it identifies that rigor and mathematical concepts were priorities and that there were no worries about interdisciplinarity among mathematical branches. It verifies that the guiding principle of teaching training for elementary teachers from Espírito Santo was not “what to teach”, but “how to teach”, what made discussions related to Teaching Methodology extend for many years in the State. It indicates that Espírito Santo followed educational measures which were previously adopted in São Paulo, considered as a reference in educational renewing for many Brazilian States. However, Espírito Santo faces economical and political difficulties in achieving the objective of training teachers according to the “modernization” aimed by Public Education.
Normal school , Teacher training , Math instruction , Espírito Santo State , Educação matemática , Formação de professores , Ensino de matemática
PEZZIN, Ana Cláudia. A educação pública primária espírito-santense : vestígios da matemática na formação de professores no período de 1892 a 1960. 2015. 154 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2015.