Física moderna e contemporânea no Ensino Médio : uma proposta didática baseada nos três momentos pedagógicos utilizando a a astronomia como temática central

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Evangelista, Robson Leone
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The dissertation presents a didactic proposal of Modern and Contemporary Physics (MCP) teaching for High School (HS) based on the dynamics of Three Pedagogical Moments (3PM), developed from Freire’s ideas of a dialogical teaching, using Astronomy as central theme. The goal was to use issues associated with planets and star formation, as a motivating central theme to tackle and discuss contents related to photometry, spectroscopy and tha structure of matter in order to avoid the education that Paulo Freire calls "banking". As a first step, a survey was made about the prior knowledge of students in a class of HS on the subjects of astronomy, associated with planets and the formation of stars, and physics, associated with light and structure of matter. In a second step, we apply various activities prepared based on the dynamics of 3PM, involving an initial questioning, followed by organization and application of the addressed knowledge. In the third step, post-tests, questionnaires and interviews were applied, in order to evaluate how significant was the learning of the students and their participation in a more active, dialogical and critical way during the development of the activities. From the collected data it was concluded that there was a good reception and participation of students in the instructional sequence implemented and evidence of significant learning of concepts in FMC and Astronomy. As a product associated with the dissertation, in the Appendix G is presented the teaching sequence that has been implemented, with all the material used, which can serve as a reference for other teachers who wish to develop MCP educational projects in basic education, which seek to promote dialogue between the students reality and scientific knowledge necessary for them to be able to understand the world.
Physics education , Astronomy education , Modern physics , Ensino de física , Educação em astronomia , Física moderna