Educação CTS/CTSA baseada em Paulo Freire : produção de saberes de ciências biológicas e geociências no ensino médio no noroeste capixaba

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Jesus, Christiany Pratissoli Fernandes de
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The teaching of sciences generally works in a decontextualized way in the school system from daily practices. This fact makes it difficult for the students to understand scientific knowledge. The teacher, as a social agent, has an important role as a knowledge moderator, leading the students to new discoveries, in which the school configures itself in a favorable space in this dialogical construction. According to the National Curricular Parameters for High School (BRAZIL, 2002), the teaching of science must contribute to the holistic formation of students, not only scientifically, but in a way that also builds ethical and citizenship values. In this context, the research entitled „Education STS/STSE based in Paulo Freire: Production of Knowledge of Biological Science and Geosciences in Secondary School in Northwest Capixaba‟ aimed to develop critical thinking of students, as well as stimulate their interest in the scientific production focused on socio-environmental demands. Therefore, an interdisciplinary didactic sequence was developed in the areas of Biological Science and Geosciences with a focus on the epistemological assumptions of Environmental Education and STS/STSE. The intervention made possible the reflection of themes articulated to the contents proposed in the curricular syllabus of the freshman year of the Course Mining Technician Integrated to High School. The interdisciplinary didactic sequence was structured considering the Three Pedagogical Moments (Initial Issue, Organization of Knowledge and Knowledge Application) based on the educational practice of Paulo Freire. It was a qualitative investigation, a case study, in which several methodologies were applied, such as observation, photographic and audiovisual records, dialogue circles, oral reports, textual productions, field lessons, questionnaires and other related activities. The research represented the humanistic dimension articulated to the scientific knowledge in the process of producing different knowledge.
Environmental education , STS/STSE , Didactic sequence , Interdisciplinarity , Freire's thematic approach , Abordagem temática freiriana , Abordagem interdisciplinar , Ciência , Tecnologia , Ensino e aprendizagem , Ensino médio , CTS/CTSA , Sequência didática , Interdisciplinaridade
JESUS, Christiany Pratissoli Fernandes de. Educação CTS/CTSA baseada em Paulo Freire: produção de saberes de ciências biológicas e geociências no ensino médio no noroeste capixaba. 2019. 178 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2019.