Investigação do leito de jorro como reator em potencial de pirólise de partículas cartonadas

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Marques, Ícaro Ibrahim Dias de Rodrigues
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Currently, pyrolysis has received special attention because of its potential application in areas that constitute challenges of the contemporary world, among which stand out the need for renewable energy production and the issue of solid waste management. Among the modern solid wastes, the post-consumer carton packaging highlights due to the high value-added of the primary products (aluminum and paraffin, obtained from its pyrolysis), and coal presenting high calorific value that can be used as fuel to increase the energy efficiency of the process. For presenting good gas-solid contact, high rates of heat and mass transfer and low particle segregation, the conical spouted bed arises as an efficient alternative for the pyrolysis of carton packaging. In this context, in an attempt to use conical spouted beds (CSBs) as a pyrolysis reactor, this present research aims at analyzing the carton particles fluid dynamics in CSBs. To achieve this goal, the fluid dynamics behavior of carton disks mixtures with particles of different specific masses, namely, polyethylene and sand, was investigated. Experimental data of bed pressure drop as a function of air velocity were obtained and analyzed. The operating conditions employed in the conical spouted bed were simulated by CFD technique. For beds composed of polyethylene and carton disks in a range of mass proportion of 20 and 50% carton disk, the analyses established in this research show that the spouting regime is established. For beds comprise mixtures with 5 and 10% carton disk (in mass) stable spouting regime was achieved. At the set of operating conditions, the Eulerian Granular Multiphase Model applied with Syamlal-O‟Brien drag model can qualitatively predict the typical fluid dynamics behavior of a conical spouted bed operating with mixtures of non-spherical particles. An analysis of reuse of the carton packaging via pyrolysis, from the energy and environmental points of view, shows that a large amount of bauxite and energy can be saved due to aluminum which is recovered in the process.
Aluminum in the packages , Computational fluid dynamics , Pyrolysis , Energy , Solid wastes
MARQUES, Ícaro Ibrahim Dias de Rodrigues. Investigação do leito de jorro como reator em potencial de pirólise de partículas cartonadas. 2013. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Energia) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, São Mateus, 2013.