O ensino de ciências físicas por investigação : uma experiência nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

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Bayerl, Geovani da Silva
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
This study talks about the teaching of Physical Sciences in the early years of primary education through the Education Research methodology. Recent research shows that the inclusion of this methodological practice in science classes is the most promising way to promote conditions and opportunities for the development of Scientific Literacy. We have adopted for this research qualitative methodology through exploratory research. The work was carried out in a municipal school in Pedro Canário - ES, with two classes: 4th year (20 students) and the 5th year (24 students). Developed for five weeks in the morning and afternoon shifts, four investigative practices of physical knowledge: the car; the submarine; as it happens the days, nights and seasons; how to light a lamp. To facilitate the analysis of the data, we shot all the meetings and at the end of each class, students produced reports of investigative activities. In interaction with the problem, the children involved cognitively and affectively, confronting previous ideas, raising hypotheses, analyzing and reporting results. In this perspective, teaching Science by research involves innovation. Instead of traditional classes where the teacher is the possessor of knowledge, it gives priority to student participation as a thinking and active in the construction of knowledge, with the teacher as facilitator of the process. At the end of the survey, we found evidence that the students built concepts of physical knowledge, explored in investigative activities.
Science education for research , Scientific literacy , Physical sciences , Early years , Episodes of education , Ciências físicas , Anos iniciais , Episódios de ensino , Ensino de ciências por investigação , Alfabetização científica