Saberes e práticas no processo de inclusão escolar no município de Teixeira de Freitas-Bahia

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Oliveira, Elizete Costa dos Santos
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Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
The emphasis of this research is focused on the pedagogical practice developed by the teachers in regular education classrooms, practices that drive inclusion. It is highlighted the teaching expertise and the teacher’s acknowledgement as the main mediator of learning. It aims to analyze how the schooling process occurs and identify challenges and opportunities for the inclusion of students with disabilities in public schools. The study is based on the theoretical matrix of the historic cultural perspective of Vygotsky, advocate that learning occurs through social interactions. The research is a qualitative approach, of ethnographic category, with the data collected through the focal group and experience reports, whose content analysis was divided into three groups: 1st Data Group - Formation meetings with the professionals of the education system and parents of students with disabilities; 2nd Data Group - Reports of the practices of teachers with students who have disabilities; 3 rd Data Group - Testimonials and perceptions of teachers within the focal group meetings. The framework of individuals participating in the research is composed of nine (09) teachers who teach disabled students in six (06) schools in the municipal public system of Teixeira de Freitas, Bahia. The survey data indicate the barriers to inclusion, among which stands out the absence of training courses for teachers in inclusive education. As an extension of the research, 20 training meetings were developed for municipal teachers. The results show that the process of inclusion was driven through practice and mediation developed by teachers in the school context. It indicates that the teachers found other new possibilities to work the particularities of their students with disabilities, considering their potential. It points out the theoretical basis as necessary to make teaching practices more reflective and consistent. The results also indicate that the inclusion of students with disabilities must have the participation of all involved in the education system of the city studied.
Inclusive practices , Historic cultural perspective , Mediation and learning , Mediação e aprendizagem , Prática pedagógica , Práticas Inclusivas , Perspectiva histórico cultural